Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Галимова Гульмира Закиевна

The managing director of nursing is Galimova Gulmira Zakievna.

The Department of Management and Development of Nursing (hereinafter – DMDN) was established on November 1, 2019.

The activities of the DMDN are focused on the improvement and development of the nursing service in the National Research Oncology Center LLP (NROC LLP).

Goals and objectives of the department:

Achievement and support of a high level of professionalism of nursing specialists (NS) to provide quality medical care in modern conditions of development of oncological care in NROC LLP.

Tasks of the Department of Management and Development of Nursing:

  • Improvement of the management system of the nursing service in "NROC" LLP.
  • Creation of conditions for professional growth and continuous education of SSDs in NROC LLP.
  • Creation of a school for teaching patients and their families self-effective care, including the provision of psychoemotional support, in NROC LLP.
  • Delegation of a number of functional responsibilities from NS doctors, and from NS to junior medical personnel.
  • Study and development of research projects in the field of nursing.

Structure of the Department of Management and Development of Nursing:

  • Managing Director of Nursing
  • Department of Management and Development of Nursing
  • Clinical Unit
  • Department of General Hospital Support
  • Power supply sector
  • Central Sterilization Department

общее фото медсестер

Contacts for communication: + 7 7172 702-909 (ext.1098, 1220)

Call center: +7 (7172)702-911.