Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Chief Accountant - Albekova Gulnara Shakenovna

The main tasks of the department:

  • accounting and tax accounting of financial and economic activities;
  • control over the safety of property, proper spending of funds and material assets.
  • preparation and submission of financial, tax, and statistical reports.

Department composition:

Yerbatyrova Klara Zholdanovna - Deputy Chief Accountant;

Kurmanova Tolkynai Igentaevna - settlement accountant;

Yerebekova Zhupar Bolatovna - settlement accountant;

Beisenova Akerke Mukhtarovna - accountant for fixed assets;

Bekova Madina Aidarovna - accountant of the material desk;

Mukanov Baurzhan Arkalykovich - accountant for paid services.

Alimova Rosa Sultanovna - cashier.

Contacts: + 7 7172 70-29-58