Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

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The head of the Center of Pathomorphology with Cytology is Bolsynbekova Saltanat Orazgalievna, a pathologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 27 years. Advanced training took place in Russia, Japan, Israel, Belgium, Germany, Turkey. Annually participates in international conferences, congresses and trainings on oncomorphological diagnostics (Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Turkey). She was awarded with the badges "Excellent Health Worker" and "Densaulyk aktau isiine koskan ulesi usin". 

The main tasks of the Center of pathomorphology with cytology:

  • Examination of biopsy material obtained during diagnostic biopsies (endoscopic biopsy, trepan biopsy, scraping from the uterine cavity, fine needle biopsies of parenchymal organs, etc.). The purpose of this study is to establish and clarify the diagnosis;
  • Examination of postoperative material (resected and amputated organs, tissues) in order to clarify the diagnosis, the stage of the disease, to assess the effectiveness of the chemotherapy treatment; to assess the radicality of the operation;
  • Conducting an autopsy study, which includes analyzing the medical history of a deceased patient, autopsy and comparison of the results obtained to assess the correctness of the treatment, identify errors made at a particular stage of treatment, establish the cause of death;
  • Express biopsy during surgical interventions to clarify the scope of the operation;
  • Immunohistochemical examination of all localizations;
  • Consultation of surgical biopsy material;
  • Cytological examination of organs and systems accessible to the limits of the method.

Doctors of the Center of Pathomorphology with cytology:

Andreeva Olga Vladimirovna is a pathologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 21 years. Passed advanced training in Lithuania.

Bukeeva Korlan Shakirovna is a pathologist of the highest qualification category.        Work experience is 23 years. Advanced training took place in Lithuania, Belarus, Israel.

Yesenia Dakhirovna Ganieva is a pathologist of the first qualification category. Work experience is 11 years. Advanced training took place in Belarus.

Tuleubayeva Almagul Amangeldykyzy is a cytologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 22 years. Advanced training took place in Russia.

Seleusin Elmira Muratbekkyzy is a pathologist. Work experience is 3 years. Advanced training took place in Israel.

Dosai Zhaksygul Sailaukyzy is a pathologist. Work experience is 3 years. Advanced training took place in Israel.

Zhambulaev Ruslan Urumbasarovich is a pathologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 15 years. Advanced training took place in Israel.

Kurash Svetlana Mikhailovna is a pathologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 23 years.

Ideleva Saule Tursynovna is a laboratory histologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 28 years.

Kumekova Gulnara Maratovna senior laboratory assistant of the highest qualification category. Work experience of 30 years.

Shakenova Aina Muratovna laboratory assistant-histologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 21 years.

Zhaparova Ainur Anuarbekovna laboratory assistant-histologist of the first qualification category. Work experience is 13 years.

Gilmulin Ruslan Takhirovich laboratory assistant-histologist of the first qualification category. Work experience is 12 years.

Krebs Irina Romanovna laboratory assistant histologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 42 years.

Baykhozhaeva Lyazzat Zhanaidarovna is a laboratory assistant histologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience of 20 years.

Sarina Daria Merzhatkyzy is a laboratory histologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 17 years.

Rysbaeva Akmaral Alpamysovna laboratory assistant histologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience is 13 years.

Zhansapova Asemgul Amirovna medical registrar. Work experience is 10 years.


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