Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

7. Заведующий центром Умбетжанов Ерлан Урумбаевич

The head of the center is Umbetzhanov Erlan Urumbaevich, a resuscitator of the highest qualification category.

Passed advanced training in the USA, Israel, Turkey, Czech Republic, Russia.

Awarded with the badge "Excellent Student of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan", honorary diploma of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Member of the NGO "Kazakh Society of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators", "American Heart Association".

Tasks and functions of the center: providing highly specialized and specialized medical care to the Center's patients in accordance with national and international standards;

  • providing highly specialized and specialized anesthesiological care to patients in a multidisciplinary clinic;
  • anesthesia of operations with all types of modern anesthesia, anesthesia for small operations, manipulations and research procedures;
  • implementation of a set of measures for the restoration and maintenance of life support systems, due to illness, injury, surgery and other causes in patients coming from the departments of the health organization or delivered by air ambulance;
  • monitoring the condition of patients in the post-acute period in the wards of postoperative awakening before being transferred to the specialized department or to the intensive care unit;
  • improving the quality and safety of medical care through the introduction into practice of international standards of anesthesiological aids for emergency conditions;
  • conducting seminars and training courses in anesthesiology and intensive care;
  • conducting research works, generalizations of clinical and scientific data in order to develop new methods of anesthesiological aids.

Department composition:

  • Baubekova Khalka Beisembayevna - senior resident, anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the highest qualification category.
  • Kabiev Baurzhan Kabdrashitovich is an intensive care doctor of the highest qualification category.
  • Temirov Talgat Samigollovich is an intensive care doctor of the highest qualification category.
  • Dubrovskaya Olga Vladimirovna is a resuscitator of the highest qualification category.
  • Bapsanova Zhanna Baurzhanovna is an anesthesiologist.
  • Toropeev Alexander Vladimirovich is a resuscitator of the first qualification category.
  • Yesenalin Nazym Yergalievich is a resuscitator of the first qualification category.
  • Laliev Farhad Andarbekovich is a resuscitator of the first qualification category.
  • Guldana Nagieva is an intensive care physician of the first qualification category.
  • Batyrbekova Nurgul Aishygarovna is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the highest qualification category.
  • Asima Sagatbekovna Izmailova is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the first qualification category.
  • Zhuzbayev Darkhan Amangeldievich is an anesthesiologist.
  • Murat Bolatovich Zhumabaev is an anesthesiologist.
  • Kalkenov Manar Turabekovich is an anesthesiologist.
  • Kamzin Nurzhan Kenzhegalievich is an anesthesiologist.
  • Kilibayev Batyrkhan Bazarbaevich is an anesthesiologist.
  • Saylkhanova Gulmira Ashirbekovna is an anesthesiologist.
  • Tursunbayev Rakhat Kenzhibekovich is an intensive care doctor.
  • Turgazin Almaz Talgatuly is an anesthesiologist.
  • Khasenova Kenzhegul Esenkulovna is an anesthesiologist.

Range of services:

  • therapy in patients with severe disorders of the functional systems of the body;
  • treatment of patients in the early postoperative period;
  • replacement of impaired functions of organs and body systems (hepatic, renal, respiratory failure, shocks, impaired blood clotting, large blood loss, strokes, heart failure, comatose states, severe types of malnutrition, severe infections, sepsis;
  • consultations in the hospital and in the republic on the issues of intensive care for the most severe patients with a violation of the basic vital functions of the body - if necessary, transportation by air ambulance of patients from various regions of the republic to provide highly specialized medical care on the basis of our center;
  • treatment with purification methods outside the body (hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, extracorporeal blood oxygenation - artificial lungs, hemosorption).
  • determination of indications and, if necessary, intensive therapy in order to prepare the patient for surgery of any complexity;
  • carrying out all types of anesthesia with the use of modern medicines and appropriate equipment of the latest generation;
  • post-acute observation in the wake-up ward, until complete regression of anesthesia;
  • monitoring of the patient's functional state during anesthesia and intensive care and assessment of the operational and anesthetic risk of anesthesia;
  • elimination of pain syndrome caused by various causes, including patients with incurable diseases, using special methods;
  • receiving and transporting blood and its components;
  • determination of blood type and Rh factor, screening of anti-erythrocyte antibodies and a direct coombs test, determination of the phenotype of erythrocytes by the Rh and kell system;
  • blood compatibility tests of the donor and recipient;
  • conducting blood reinfusion.

Contact phone number: 8 (7172) 702-947,

Reference: 8(7172) 702-900,

Call center: 8(7172) 702-911.