Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

8. Зав.ТКМ и ОР Кемайкин Вадим Матвеевич

The head of the Oncohematology Center is Vadim Matveyevich Kemaykin, a hematologist of the highest qualification category, Candidate of medical Sciences.

Tasks of the Center:

Ensuring the availability of modern diagnostic methods (molecular genetic methods, immunohistochemical examination with an expanded panel) and high-tech methods of treatment of oncohematological diseases of the blood system, including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Monitoring of morbidity, mortality from oncohematological diseases, results of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Optimization of drug supply costs by assessing compliance with clinical protocols of indications for prescribing expensive medicines and the rationality of their use, monitoring the proposals of hematologists, patients to improve drug provision.

Education: training of specialists – residency, primary specialization, advanced training courses.

At the moment, 7 resident hematologists are trained in the Center of Hematology.

Structure of the Center of oncohematology:

Department of Oncohematology No. 1 with a day hospital


Vildanova Ruzal Fauatovna – Head of the Department of Oncohematology No. 1 with a day hospital

Doctors of the department:

Kuttimuratov Asset Meirambekovich - hematologist

Kasymova Tansyk Rizabekovna - hematologist

Adusheva Aisha Albertovna - hematologist

Nurpeisova Nazerke Kanbekovna - resident hematologist

Nuriden Nurzhamal Nurlybekkyzy - resident hematologist

Day hospital doctors:

Musakhanova Aigerim Asylbekovna hematologist

Yusupova Meiramgul Muratovna

Department of Oncohematology No. 2


Suleymenova Aizat Serikkhanovna- head of the Department of Oncohematology No. 2

Karabekov Azat Baglanovich-senior resident for lymphoproliferative diseases

Sarina Sabila Turganbayevna -hematologist

Musakhanov Zhomart Barlykhanovich -hematologist

Kolesnikova Olga olegovna -hematologist

Bashaeva Dina Maksatovna -hematologist

Zhunus Gulzhanat kuanyshovna -hematologist

Resident doctors:

Nazhipova Aigerim Sautbekovna

Abdigalieva Madina Nurzhanovna

Kaken Akezhan Muratuly

Alpysbaeva Bagila Tolegenovna

Bone Marrow Transplantation Department:

Kolesnev Alexander Valerievich– Head of the Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation

Doctors of the department:

Shokubaeva Fariza Fazylzhanovna -  hematologist

Aitmukhambet Aruzhan Nurlankyzy - Resident hematologist

What is bone marrow transplantation?

Bone marrow transplantation is a relatively new method of treatment. In practice, it has been used since the seventies of the XX century. The essence of the method is the transplantation of blood stem cells capable of hematopoiesis from the donor to the recipient in need of transplantation. A unique feature of hematopoiesis is the fact that any type of blood cells, regardless of their anatomical characteristics and physiological functionality, is transformed from a single type — stem hematopoietic (hematopoietic) cells.

The year of birth of BMT is considered to be 1968, when a bone marrow transplant was first performed in humans.

To date, BMT is performed for most oncological and hematopoietic pathologies, as well as for violations of the immune response of the body.

Types of BMT:

Autologous BMT

Allogeneic BMT

Haploidentical BMT

Syngenic BMT

Indications for bone marrow transplantation may be various diseases, such as:

  • Acute and chronic leukemia
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Lymphomas
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Primary myelofibrosis

Bone marrow transplantation has been performed at the Center of Hematology since 2010.

Functions of the center:

Carrying out diagnostic manipulations (trepanobiopsy, bone marrow puncture, intrathecal administration of cytostatic drugs)

Interpretation of the main laboratory studies (bone marrow immunophenotyping, myelogram, histological and immunohistochemical examination of bone marrow, lymph node biopsy, spleen, immunofixation of serum and urine proteins, determination of HLA compatibility of recipients and potential donors, specific studies for the presence of a graft-versus-host reaction, determination of donor chimerism, evaluation of PET/CT results, CT, NMRI, etc.)

Conducting program chemotherapy, including high-dose courses;

Management of patients with acute leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, etc.

Mobilization (stimulation) of hematopoietic stem cells

The center provides management of patients in the early and late posttransplantation period.

Selection of immunosuppressive therapy in the development of acute and chronic graft-versus-host reactions in the early and late post-transplant period.

Functions of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Department:

Determination of indications for allogeneic (including haploidentical) and autologous bone marrow transplantation

Preparation of patients for conditioning regimen with subsequent bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Choosing a mode of prevention of acute and chronic graft-versus-host reactions

Selection of immunosuppressive therapy in the development of acute and chronic graft-versus-host reactions

Management of patients in the early and late posttransplantation period

Intensive therapy of patients with hemoblastosis with the development of severe infectious complications after chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation

Mobilization (stimulation) of hematopoietic stem cells

Determination together with resuscitators of indications for hemodialysis, ultrafiltration, plasmapheresis, ventilation.

Department of Oncohematological Intensive Care:

Merenkov Evgeny Anatolyevich – Head of the Department of Oncohematological resuscitation


Doctors of the department:

  • Auketaev Dulat Kapanovich anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Ansatbaeva Gulnaz Duysenalievna anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Derr Viktor Valeryevich – anesthesiologist resuscitator
  • Mishutin Ivan Aleksandrovich anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Avakian Evgeny Sergeevich anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Borovikov Vladimir Andreevich anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Yesenbayeva Gulfairuz Abdimazhitovna anesthesiologist-resuscitator

Department of Oncohematological Intensive Care:

Carries out a set of measures to restore and maintain life support systems due to illness, injury, surgery and other causes in patients coming from the Department of Hematology and Bone marrow transplantation

Consultation of patients of the Department of oncohematology and BMT who need the supervision of an intensive care physician (resuscitator)

Conducting intensive care according to the indications for patients in the wards of the oncohematological intensive care unit

Contacts for communication: +7(7172)702-900,

Call center: +7(7172)702-911.