Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

The sector of office management and development of the state language is a structural subdivision of the Center.

In its activities, it is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the Center, decisions of the management bodies of the Center, and other internal documents of the Center.


The objectives of the Sector are:

Organization of work on record keeping and archiving in accordance with the Rules of documentation and documentation management of the Center;

Organization of work on the development and implementation of the state language in the Center;

Ensuring a unified procedure for documentation support and archiving of the Center's documents;

Development of the state language in the office work of the Center;

Ensuring the implementation and maintenance of national and international Standards (JCI) in the activities of the Sector.


In accordance with the assigned tasks , the Sector performs the following functions:

  • Maintenance of current office work in the Center;
  • Ensuring timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, sending it to its destination using e-mail and postal services (with timely and correct provision of the index and the full legal postal address of the recipient by the executor of the document);
  • Control over the deadlines for the execution of documents (if there is a deadline in the document), their correct execution;
  • Work on registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the relevant structural divisions of documents of current office work;
  • Development of documentation and documentation management Rules of the Center and their implementation;
  • Formation, storage and timely transfer of the Sector's files to the Center's archive;
  • Formation of the Center's archive fund;
  • Preparation and approval of the schedule for the reception of long-term and permanent storage files in the archive of the Center according to the nomenclature of cases; reception, processing and issuance for production purposes at the request of heads of structural divisions of copies of permanent storage documents according to the inventory of cases of structural divisions;
  • Compilation of the consolidated nomenclature of cases and its adjustment, in accordance with structural changes;
  • Organization of work on the development of the state language in the office work of the Center.

Sector Employees:

  • Slyamsharifova Bakyt Maksutovna is the chief clerical specialist.
  • Bekmyrza Karashash Sayfullakyzy is a leading specialist in the development of the state language.


Contacts: 8(7172)702-944 (ext 15-25)
