Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

10 Зав ГБХ Спатаев Жанат СпатаевHead of the Center for Hepatpancreatobiliary Surgery, Oncogepathology and organ Transplantation - Spataev Zhanat Seitbattalovich, doctor of the highest qualification category, Master of Management and Management, chief freelance transplantologist of Nur–Sultan, hepatopancreatobiliary surgeon, oncologist, tranplantologist, work experience of 20 years. Scholarship holder of the Bolashak program, internship in the USA – 1.5 years.

Goals and objectives of the center:

  • Provision of advisory, diagnostic, high-tech and specialized care to patients with oncological pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Organ transplantation;
  • The use of modern and innovative technologies in accordance with international standards;
  • Development and implementation of new technologies for surgical and combined treatment of malignant neoplasms;
  • Education: training of specialists – residency, primary specialization, advanced training courses.

Range of heptopancreatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation services:

  • Liver transplantation from a living donor and from a donor with brain death;
  • GI, choledocholithiasis (laparoscopic and all other types of cholecystectomy, ERPHG, open reconstructive surgery on the common bile duct);
  • Benign strictures of the common hepatic duct (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy, reconstructive surgery on hepaticocholedoch);
  • Benign liver formations (adenomas, hemangiomas, FNG, liver cysts), all types of liver resections are performed from laparoscopic to extended hemihepatectomies;
  • Malignant formations of the liver (hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, liver metastases). We perform all types of liver resections, as well as chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation and other methods of electrodistruction of malignant liver formations;
  • Parasitic liver diseases (alveococcosis, echinococcosis), all radical extended liver resections up to liver transplants.
  • Chronic pancreatitis (pancreaticoejunostomy, duodenum-preserving pancreatic resections, Beger, Frey surgeries);
  • Pancreatic cysts (drainage operations, cystoejunoanastomosis);
  • Pancreatic cancer (all types of pancreatic resection, pancreatoduodenal, distal pancreatic resections, including laparoscopic).

Range of kidney transplantation services:

  • Kidney transplantation from a living donor;
  • Kidney transplantation from a cadaver (cadaver donor);
  • Kidney retransplantation (re-transplantation);
  • Simultaneous (simultaneous) kidney and pancreas transplantation from cadaver;
  • Autotransplantation of the kidney (transplantation of one's own kidney with extended strictures of the ureter);
  • Reconstructive operations on the ureter of a transplanted kidney;
  • Renal artery graft stenting;
  • Kidney transplant biopsy;
  • Removal of the ureteral stent;
  • Removal of a transplanted kidney;
  • Preparation of related couples (donor-recipient) for kidney transplantation;
  • Management of patients after kidney transplantation at the outpatient stage;
  • Correction and treatment of pathologies associated with kidney transplant dysfunction.

Range of hepatology and gastroenterology services:

  • Determination of indications (contraindications), preparation of patients for liver transplantation, rehabilitation and therapeutic correction in the postoperative period;
  • Biological therapy and selection of basic therapy for inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • Correction of serious side effects of antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis;
  • Selection of basic therapy for autoimmune and cholestatic liver diseases;
  • Selection of basic therapy for decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Puncture liver biopsy;
  • Ligation of varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • Partial embolization of the splenic artery;
  • Transjugular Transhepatic Portosystem bypass Surgery (tipss);
  • Percutaneous, transhepatic embolization of varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach.

And also:

  • Consultations of complex patients with colleagues from leading clinics in the world: Japan, Great Britain, Turkey, USA, India, South Korea, Belarus, Russia.
  • The department is supervised by professors, Doctors of medical sciences – Doskaliev Zhaksylyk Akmurzaevich, Sultanaliev Tokan Anarbekovich, Kaliaskarova Kulpash Sagyndykovna.
  • The clinic, as a National Center, can initiate treatment abroad for a complex category of patients.
  • There is a paid department where all types of diagnostic and therapeutic care are performed.

Department composition:

  • Kaliaskarova Kulpash Sagyndykovna – Professor, MD, hepatologist, gastroenterologist of the highest category, President of the Association of Hepatologists, Gastroenterologists and Transplantologists "Transplant Group Astana". Chief freelance gastroenterologist/hepatologist of UZO Nur-Sultan. Clinical professor of the Hepatocenter and scientific director of the IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) Center in Nur-Sultan.
  • Zheksembayev Asan Aitmukashevich is a surgeon of the highest qualification category, PhD, work experience - 30 years, internships in the USA, South Korea, Japan, Belarus, Russia. Honored Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Saparbai Jamilya Zhumabekovna is a tranplantologist, oncologist, PhD, member of the World Association of Transplantologists (TTS), member of the association "Women in Transplantation". Internships in South Korea, Belarus, Japan, Spain;
  • Zhanasbayeva Marzhan Siyazbekovna is a gastroenterologist, hepatologist of the first qualification category. Internships in Russia, Turkey, South Korea.
  • Assikbayev Mels Nurseitovich - Senior resident of the Center for Gastroenterology, Oncogepathology and Organ Transplantation. Transplant surgeon, urologist, oncologist, first qualification category. Master of Management and Management. Internships in Turkey, South Korea, Spain.
  • Aitbayev Chokan Abildaevich – surgeon of the first qualification category, internship in Turkey;
  • Agynbay Aybar Yerboluly is a hepatologist/gastroenterologist of the second qualification category. Internships in Russia, Turkey.
  • Boromyka Natalia Alexandrovna – gatroenterologist/hepatologist, internships in Russia, Belarus.
  • Abdugafarov Saitkarim Abdugapfirovich – surgeon, transplant surgeon, oncologist. Internships in South Korea, Israel.
  • Sharmenov Ablay Akzamovich – surgeon, internship in South Korea.

Contacts: 8(7172) 702-900 (ext. 13-94).