Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Head of the operating unit - Ibraev Bauyrzhan Ersainovich, surgeon of the highest qualification category, oncologist, transplantologist. He studied in the USA, South Korea, Turkey.

Functions and tasks of the operating unit:

  • Provision of highly specialized and specialized medical care to the population, taking into account the requirements of the current regulatory, directive, organizational, legal, administrative and guidance documents in the provision of medical services;
  • Coordination of interaction of the operating unit with other structural units of the center;
  • Registration of relevant medical documentation and timely submission to the department of medical statistics and analysis;
  • Compliance with the principles of medical and protective regime, labor regulations and labor discipline;
  • Conducting preoperative preparation and surgical interventions in accordance with the placed state order for surgical diseases in accordance with the schedule and plan of operations;
  • Providing patients with medicines, medical devices and creating the necessary reserve of medicines and consumables;
  • Timely performance of metrological control of measuring instruments, maintenance, repair of medical equipment and instruments;
  • Compliance with anti-epidemic and sanitary-hygienic regimes in the operating unit;
  • Participation in research work, generalization of clinical and scientific data in order to develop new methods of providing high-tech, specialized and highly specialized medical care, their introduction into the practical activities of society;
  • Compliance with the rules of safety and labor protection, fire safety when performing medical and diagnostic procedures in the operating unit;
  • Implementation of scientific achievements, advanced technologies and standards in emergency medical care;
  • Organization and control over the training and advanced training of specialists and middle personnel;
  • The use of new products (sutures, dentures, screws, plates, etc.).
  • Ensuring the implementation and maintenance of an integrated medical information system (KIIS) in the activities of the department;
  • Minimization of risks, prevention of the occurrence of risks associated with the implementation of this regulation on the department;
  • Ensuring and strengthening a healthy corporate culture in society;
  • Compliance with the principles of business ethics and rules of conduct, adherence to moral and ethical standards;
  • Carrying out other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Provision of high-tech, highly specialized and specialized medical care using modern innovative technologies;
  • Introduction and development of unique and innovative methods of diagnostics and treatment of surgical diseases, types of operations;
  • Improving the quality and safety of medical care through the introduction of international operational standards into practice;
  • Carrying out research works, generalizations of clinical and scientific data in order to develop new methods of providing high-tech, highly specialized and specialized medical care.

Applied technologies:

  • First pediatric liver transplant from a living related donor;
  • Liver transplant from a living related donor;
  • Liver transplant from cadaver;
  • Kidney transplant from a living related donor;
  • Kidney transplant from cadaver;
  • Re-, kidney autotransplantation;
  • Skin allotransplantation;
  • Reconstructive operations on the skin with cicatricial deformities;
  • Reconstructive operations on the skin for trophic ulcers;
  • Liver resection (atypical, segmentectomy, bisegmentectomy, lobectomy, extended hemihepatectomy) for malignant and benign neoplasms, parasitic liver lesions;
  • Laparoscopic liver resection;
  • Pancreas resection (pancreatoduodenal, distal);
  • Pancreatectomy;
  • Laparoscopic pancreas resection;
  • Duodenum-preserving operations on the pancreas;
  • Pancreaticocystejunostomy;
  • External drainage of the pancreatic duct and cysts;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional cholecystectomy;
  • Reconstructive surgery on the biliary tract (hepaticojejunostomy, bi-, trihepaticojejunostomy);
  • Choledocholithotomy;
  • External drainage of the common hepatic / bile duct;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional splenectomy;
  • Resection, extirpation of the esophagus;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional gastrectomy;
  • Gastric resection (distal, proximal);
  • Gastrostomy;
  • Gastroenterostomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional bowel resection (segmental, subtotal, hemicolectomy);
  • Laparoscopic and traditional rectal resection;
  • Hemorrhoidectomy;
  • Therapeutic enterostomy (introduction);
  • Lung resection (atypical, segmentectomy, bisegmentectomy, lobectomy);
  • Pulmonectomy;
  • Thoracoscopic and open operations on the mediastinum and thymus gland;
  • Endovideoscopic and traditional operations on the thyroid gland (hemi-, thyroidectomy);
  • Laparoscopic and traditional adrenalectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional kidney resection;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional nephrectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional nephrectomy with thrombectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional prostatectomy;
  • Contact lithotripsy;
  • Transurethral resection of prostatic hyperplasia;
  • Plastic surgery of the ureter;
  • Stenting of the ureter;
  • Cystoscopy;
  • Hernia repair for umbilical, inguinal, femoral and incisional hernias;
  • Allohernioplasty;
  • Breast resection (sectoral, quadranthectomy);
  • Mastectomy;
  • Mastectomy with plastic implant;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional hysterectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional myomectomy;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Endoprosthetics of large joints;
  • Revision endoprosthetics of joints;
  • Endoprosthetics of joints in hemophilia;
  • Operation Shede Brayda;
  • Arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament;
  • Arthroscopic meniscus resection;
  • Carotid endarterectomy;
  • Endoprosthetics of the thoracic and abdominal aorta;
  • Reconstructive surgery for aortic aneurysm;
  • Safenectomy;
  • Operations for neoplasms of the skin and soft tissues.

Unit stuff:

  • Zhamanbaeva Zamzagul Alimzhanovna - senior nurse, highest category, 31 years of experience;
  • Utebaeva Leskul Sikinbaevna - operating nurse, highest category, 41 years of experience;
  • Nosenko Larisa Alekseevna - operating nurse, superior category, 33 years of experience;
  • Dukart Natalya Petrovna - operating nurse, highest category, higher education, 25 years of experience;
  • Saktapbergenova Zhamal Tanbolatovna - operating nurse, highest category, 24 years of experience;
  • Berkembaeva Asemgul Lukmanovna - operating nurse, highest category, 18 years of experience;
  • Utarbaeva Tolganay Zhenisovna - operating nurse, first category, 9 years of experience;
  • Tuleuzhanova Zura Zheksembaevna - operating nurse, second category, 7 years of experience;
  • Kenzhekhanova Nazira Ryskalievna - operating nurse, second category, 6 years of experience;
  • Ondir Zhanasyl Muratkyzy - operating nurse, second category, 6 years of experience;
  • Baizakova Rano Saydualievna - operating nurse, second category, 4 years of experience;
  • Sarsembekova Aykumis Muratbekovna - operating nurse, second category, work experience 4 years;
  • Zhienbai Akerke Oshangyzy - operating nurse, third category, 1 year experience;
  • Orynbasar Symbat Baqytzhankyzy - operating nurse, third category, 1 year experience;
  • Omarbekova Dinara Bolatovna - nurse, 11 years of experience;
  • Tuyakova Zhaukhar Zekenovna - orderly, work experience 8 years;
  • Mustagulova Lazat Aubakirovna - orderly, work experience 7 years;
  • Bayzullina Zhanatlek Bakybaevna - orderly, 5 years of experience;
  • Baymagambetova Gaukhar Bayanovna - orderly, work experience 4 years;
  • Murat Rizagul - orderly, work experience 3 years;
  • Amirgalina Saule Kaskarbaevna - orderly, 2 years of experience;
  • Kalikov Daniyar Sergeevich - orderly, 1 year experience;
  • Zhangazinova Galiya Eleusezovna - sanitary, experience 1 year.

Contacts: 8 (7172) 70-28-77 (ext.12-54).