The head of the Center for Drug provision is Makenova Aizhan Asylbekovna.
The main tasks of the Center for Drug Provision are:
Timely provision of safe medicines and medical products, rational use and effective management in the field of circulation of drugs and MI in "NROC" LLP.
Department functions:
- determination of the need for medicines, consumables and medical devices, according to the declared needs of the Center
- implementation of reception, distribution, storage and accounting of medicines, consumables and medical products
- provision of departments with medicines, consumables, as well as analysis of the rational use of medical products, drugs and MI
- implementation of monthly control over the maintenance of documentation and the actual balance of drugs and MI in all clinical departments
- daily monitoring of compliance with the rules of storage and transportation of drugs and MI
- reporting on the provision of medicines, consumables and medical products
- ensures the functioning of international standards
- participation in the implementation of JCI standards in daily work
- making proposals to improve the activities of the center for drug provision
- ensuring control, progress in the implementation of decisions and orders of higher authorities within the competence assigned to the management
- compliance with the rules and norms of internal labor regulations, safety, labor protection and fire safety
- ensuring the safety of property, inventory and others material assets in operation and stored in material rooms
Department composition:
- Chief Specialist (Chief Pharmacist) - Kobzhasar Fariza Kaldybaykyzy
- Chief Specialist (Chief Pharmacist) - Zhanabai Muldir Maksatkyzy
- Leading specialist (pharmacist) – Toleukhanova Aida Useynbekkyzy
- Leading specialist (pharmacist) – Smagulova Dinara Zhaskenovna
- Manager – Kadralinova Makpal Abatovna
- Manager – Oralova Aigul Mukhamedkalievna
- Manager – Tusupova Angela Toleshovna
- Manager – Zhuzenova Aigerim Bolatovna
- Manager – Saparbayeva Bibinur Manaskyzy
- Pharmacist – Manapova Gulden Asilbekovna
- Pharmacist – Umbetova Alua Esbolatkyzy
- Packer - Gabdulina Gulzhan Sagnaevna
- Courier-loader – Zhakenov Kairat Kazgereevich
Contacts: 8(7172)702-906 (ext.1126).