Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Дюсетаев Дидар Бейбитович

The head of the department is Dyusetaev Didar Beibitovich, Bachelor of Public Health, Master of Public Health (graduate of the Bolashak program).

The tasks of the department are:

  • Development of strategic directions for the development of the Partnership in accordance with the policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives of the Partnership;
  • Analysis of internal resources; external factors affecting the development of the Partnership;
  • Planning, organizing and monitoring the implementation of corrective and preventive actions to achieve the strategic goals of the Partnership;
  • Coordinating the implementation of projects within the framework of the strategic development plan in the areas of activity of the Partnership;
  • Implementation of the Partnership's Work Plan for the corresponding year;
  • Preparation of reports on the main activities of the Partnership;
  • Establishment of organizational and information – analytical support of international relations, assistance in strengthening the prestige and positive image of the Partnership on a national and international scale;
  • Interaction with state authorities, foreign countries, foreign and international organizations of various organizational and legal forms, social institutions on issues related to the competence of the department;
  • Providing visa support to responsible persons of the Partnership, as well as foreign partners within the framework of international cooperation.

In accordance with the assigned tasks, the department performs the following functions:

  • Development of a strategic development plan for the Partnership;
  • Coordination of compliance of strategic directions and goals of the Partnership with strategic goals in the field of healthcare;
  • Coordination of the development of strategic documents on the areas of activity of the Partnership;
  • Development of key performance indicators of the members of the Management Board for the corresponding year;
  • Approval of key performance indicators of the members of the Board of the Partnership in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Collection, accumulation, processing and analysis of information on the current state, dynamics of development, results of implementation of strategic directions of development of the Partnership;
  • Evaluation of the activities of structural units to achieve strategic goals and objectives;
  • Development of a report on the achievement of strategic goals, key performance indicators and implementation of the Partnership's development priorities;
  • Development of internal regulatory documents of the Partnership on the relevant functions of the Department;
  • Organization and control of work on the establishment, development and strengthening of international relations of the Partnership, provision of organizational and information-analytical support of international relations, assistance in strengthening the prestige and positive image of the Partnership on a national and international scale;
  • Organization of preparation and submission of operational reports, reports and other reporting documents on the activities of the Department;
  • Interaction with state authorities, foreign countries, foreign and international organizations of various organizational and legal forms, social institutions on issues related to the competence of the Department;
  • Organization of the development of proposals on the Partnership's foreign policy in the field of expanding the partner base among foreign partners, providing justification for the expediency of establishing and developing cooperation on the training of specialists of the Partnership and strategic cooperation;
  • Preparation and implementation of measures aimed at the implementation of the foreign and domestic policy of the Partnership in the field of international cooperation;
  • Ensuring the dissemination of information materials about the activities of the Partnership among foreign partners;
  • Implementation of other functions arising from this Provision and not contradicting the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Department composition:

  1. Akadilova Akerke Yesenbaevna - Chief Specialist, Bachelor of Public Health, Master of Education in the educational program (Biology);
  2. Muksulov Damir Abayevich – Chief Specialist, Bachelor of Health Management, MBA (Health Management).

Contact information:

Work phone: +7 7172 702-905 (1416 )

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.