Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

The head of the department is Bekenbayev Erken Nabievich.

Management structure:

  • Department of Medical Equipment Operation
  • Department of Operation of non-medical equipment, buildings and transport
  • IT Support Department

Management tasks:

  • Maintenance of the infrastructure and production environment of the Center in working condition, provision of services and works;
  • Uninterrupted maintenance of buildings and structures;
  • Provision of IT infrastructure;
  • Providing the structural divisions of the Center with material and technical resources, vehicles;
  • Improving and introducing new methods of organizing work, including through the use of modern information technologies, to expand and strengthen the material and technical base of the Center.

Management functions:

In accordance with the assigned tasks , the service and economic management performs the following functions:

  • Maintenance of the buildings and premises of the Center and their maintenance in proper condition in accordance with the current sanitary and hygienic and fire-fighting norms and rules;
  • Monitoring the serviceability of equipment (elevators, lighting, heat supply systems, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply and sanitation, etc.), keeping records of heat and water costs;
  • Development and approval of current and long-term plans for reconstruction, capital and current repairs of buildings, premises of the Center, water supply systems, air pipelines and other structures;
  • Carrying out repairs of buildings, premises, ensuring quality control of repair work;
  • Carrying out works on landscaping, landscaping and cleaning of the territory;
  • Preparation of documents required for the conclusion of contracts for the purchase of equipment, office equipment, furniture, household goods;
  • Preparation of cost estimates for the maintenance of buildings and premises of the enterprise, the adjacent territory;
  • Provision of structural divisions with stationery, equipment, office equipment, furniture, household goods, accounting of their expenditure and preparation of statutory reports;
  • Ensuring the safety of furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and managerial work, taking measures to restore and repair them in case of death or damage;
  • Organization of maintenance and repair of office equipment and equipment;
  • Providing transport services, keeping records of motor resources and fuel costs;
  • Creation of maximum working conditions for the Center's employees, providing them with telephone and fax communication, etc., operation of all low-current systems, building automation systems.



Head of Service and Economic Management

8(7172)70-29-48 (11-46)

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning service.

Engineer -Saylau Zhaynarbek

Contact: 8 (701) -606 23 91 ( 16-17)

Low-current Systems Service

Low–current systems Engineer - Kenzhetaev Meirman Zhanbyrbayuly

Contacts: 8 (7172)702-900 (ext.11-48);

Mob: +7 705 519 54 72; +7 701 242 14 74.

Water supply and sewerage service

 Engineer - Suleyman Jardembek

Contacts: 8(702) -955-61 46 ( ext. 16-17).



Head of CFS

8(7172)70-29-48 (вн. 11-46)

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning service.

Engineer HVC - Elections Zhainarbek.

Contacts: 8(701) -606 23 91 (ext. 16-17)

Low-current systems service.

Engineer LCS – Kenzhetaev Meirman Zhanbyrbayevich.

Contacts: 8 (7172)702-900 (ext.11-48);

Сот: +7 705 519 54 72; +7 701 242 14 74.

Water supply and sewerage service.

Engineer WS - Suleimen Zhardembek.

Contacts: 8(702) -955-61 46 (ext. 16-17).