Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Managing Director for Human Resources - Tanakulov Isa Turlybekovich

Human Resource Management Department

Department structure:

Head of the Department – Tuleuova Meruert Tanatovna

Main expert

Leading Specialist

HR Manager


The tasks of the Department are:

1) assistance in strengthening the rule of law and ensuring compliance of the internal regulatory legal acts of the Center with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, correct and uniform application of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Center;

2) analysis of the standard-setting activities of the Center and making proposals to the Chairman of the Management Board on its improvement and elimination of the identified shortcomings;

3) organization of control over compliance by employees of the Center of labor discipline, internal labor regulations;

4) organization of correct and timely personnel records management, personnel accounting in the Center;

5) implementation of a personnel management system, implementation of personnel policy aimed at staffing the Center with highly qualified specialists, recruitment, placement and use of personnel, formation of a personnel reserve, adaptation of personnel;

6) implementation of the development strategy and tactics of human resource management, optimization of the number of personnel and the structure of the Center within the competence of the Department;

7) organizes activities related to ensuring labor discipline, conducting an assessment of the effectiveness of employees' activities;

8) ensuring the confidentiality of official information;

9) implementation and maintenance of national and international standards (JCI) in the activities of the Center.

In accordance with the assigned tasks , the Department performs the following functions:

1) determination, together with the heads of structural divisions, of the current need for personnel, development of the personnel policy of the Center;

2) organization of work on the selection and placement of personnel based on the assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities;

3) participation in the development of a system of comprehensive assessment of employees and the results of their activities, service and professional promotion of personnel;

4) ensuring the correct and timely management of personnel records in the Center;

5) control over the execution by the heads of structural divisions of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and organizational and administrative acts of the management of the Center on personnel policy and work with personnel;

6) development of measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time;

7) ensuring timely submission of reports on personnel accounting and work with personnel;

8) ensuring compliance with the legality of the Center's activities and protecting its interests;

9) development of draft orders, instructions, regulations, model contracts, standards, regulatory legal acts and other documents regulating the activities of the Department;

10) develops a personnel accounting system and maintaining statistical records of personnel;

11) participates in the development and improvement of the organizational structure and staffing of the Center;

12) prepares materials for employees submitted for awarding with departmental and state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

13) carries out personal and military registration of employees;

14) ensures the operation of the software for the maintenance of employee data in the 1S program (ZUP), interaction with the discussing organization for the maintenance of the 1S program (ZUP);

15) organization of the work of the disciplinary commission, calculation of seniority and other commissions of the Center;

16) participation in the work of the advisory bodies of the Center; 

17) provide methodological and advisory assistance to the Center's employees regarding labor legislation, internal regulations, ethics, and personnel records management;

18) the proper preservation of primary documentation related to the performance of official duties and their submission to the departmental archive in accordance with the established procedure.

Contacts: 8 (7172) 702 - 874 (ext. 2920).