Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

A brief history

The operating unit has been functioning since the opening of the center (2009). The first operation in our center was performed on 05.11.2009 by Professor Sultanaliev T.A. (laparoscopic cholecystectomy).

To date, there are 10 operating rooms: There are 7 aseptic halls located on the II floor (block C) and 3 conditionally septic halls on the III floor (block C). 1 operating room, located on the first floor, was transferred to the CDC at the beginning of 2020 to perform minor surgical interventions and outpatient manipulations.

In 2013, the operating rooms on the III floor were renovated, from 2015 to 2017 – on the II floor.

From 2010 to 2022, a total of 59,557 operations were performed.

Applied technologies:


  • Liver transplantation from a living related donor;
  • Liver transplantation from Cadaver;
  • Kidney transplantation from a living related donor;
  • Kidney transplantation from Cadaver;
  • Re-, autotransplantation of the kidney;
  • Skin allotransplantation;
  • Reconstructive operations on the skin for scar deformities and trophic ulcers;
  • Liver resection (atypical, segmentectomy, bisegmentectomy, lobectomy, extended hemihepatectomy) in malignant and benign neoplasms, parasitic liver lesions;
  • Laparoscopic liver resection;
  • Pancreatic resection (pancreatoduodenal, distal);
  • Pancreatectomy;
  • Laparoscopic resection of the pancreas;
  • Duodenum-preserving operations on the pancreas;
  • Pancreaticocysteunostomy;
  • External drainage of the pancreatic duct and cysts;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional cholecystectomy;
  • Reconstructive and reconstructive operations on the biliary tract (hepaticoejunostomy, bi-, trihepaticoejunostomy);
  • Choledocholithotomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional splenectomy;
  • Resection, extirpation of the esophagus;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional gastrectomy;
  • Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy HIPEC;
  • Gastric resection (distal, proximal);
  • Gastrostomy;
  • Gastroenterostomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional intestinal resection (segmental, subtotal, hemicolectomy);
  • Laparoscopic and traditional rectal resection;
  • Hemorrhoidectomy;
  • Therapeutic enterostomy (introduction);
  • Laryngeal resection, laryngectomy;
  • Lung resection (atypical, segmentectomy, bisegmentectomy, lobectomy, bilobectomy), pulmonectomy;
  • Thoracoscopic and open operations on the mediastinum and thymus gland;
  • Endovideoscopic and traditional thyroid surgery (hemi-, thyroidectomy);
  • Laparoscopic and traditional adrenalectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional kidney resection;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional nephrectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional nephrectomy with thrombectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional prostatectomy;
  • Contact lithotripsy;
  • Transurethral resection of prostate hyperplasia;
  • Ureteral plastic surgery;
  • Cystoscopy, ureteral stenting;
  • Herniation in umbilical, inguinal, femoral and postoperative hernias;
  • Allogernioplasty;
  • Breast resection (sectorial, quadranectomy);
  • Mastectomy;
  • Mastectomy with plastic implant/expander;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional hysterectomy;
  • Laparoscopic and traditional myomectomy;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Endoprosthetics of large joints;
  • Revision joint replacement;
  • Joint replacement in hemophilia;
  • Operation Shede Braid;
  • Arthroscopic repair of the anterior cruciate ligament;
  • Arthroscopic resection of the meniscus;
  • Carotid endarterectomy;
  • Endoprosthetics of the thoracic and abdominal aorta;
  • Reconstructive surgery for aortic aneurysm;
  • Safenectomy;
  • Operations for skin and soft tissue neoplasms;
  • Operations for neoplasms of the oral cavity, tongue, salivary glands;
  • Resections of the upper and lower jaw

Employees of the operational unit


Ful name


Work experience

by specialty

Professional development



Ibraev Bauyrzhan


Head of department

18 years

Kazakhstan (2007-2019), Turkey (2011), USA (2012), South Korea (2013, 2014, 2016).

Honorary diploma of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013).

Breast badge "Excellent Health Worker" (2019).



 Zhamal Tonbolatovna

Operating nurse

25 years


Israel (2015).

Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019).


Utebayeva Leskul


Operating nurse

44 years


Certificate of Honor

Chairman of the Management Board.

Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019).

Badge "Veteran of Labor" (2020).


Nosenko Larisa Alekseevna

Operating nurse

35 years


Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021).

Badge "For contribution to the development of healthcare".


Dukart Natalia


Operating nurse

25 years


Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Management Board (2019).


Berkimbayeva Asemgul


Operating nurse

20 years


Belarus (2012)

Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Management Board (2019).


Imangulova Elmira


Operating nurse

20  years




Zhorabekova Umitay


Operating nurse

13,5 years


Israel (2015).

Certificate of Honor

Chairman of the Management Board.

Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015).


Tuleuzhanova Zura


Operating nurse

9 years


Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2022).


Kenzhekhanova Nazira


Operating nurse

8 years

Kazakhstan, Russia (2019),

South Korea (2016).

Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Management Board (2020).


Ondir Zhanasyl


Operating nurse

7 years


Russia (2019).



Gabitova Marmar


Operating nurse

7 years




Gulnur Ibaydullaeva


Operating nurse

6 years




Baizakova Rano


Operating nurse

6 years







Operating nurse

5 years


Russia (2019), Israel (2022)



Akanova Nazira


Operating nurse

5 years




Zhienbai Akerke


Operating nurse

3 years




Orynbasar Simbat


Operating nurse

3 years




Aben Nazim


Operating nurse

2 years 6 months




Kidirova Bakytgul


Operating nurse

2 years 6 months




Telmanov Ular


Operating nurse

2 years

Kazakhstan, Germany (2022)



Saidullayeva Yerkezhan


Operating nurse

2 years




Tokusheva Aimgul


Operating nurse

1 year 7 months




Asey Aray Zheniskyzy

Operating nurse

8 months




Omarbekova Dinara


Medical orderly

26 years




Tuyakova Zhaukhar


Medical orderly

14 years




Mustagulova Lazat


Medical orderly

9 years





 Gaukhar Bayanovna

Medical orderly

8 years




Amirgalina Saule


Medical orderly

5 years




Baizullina Zhanatlek


Medical orderly

3 years




Kalikov Daniyar


Medical orderly

4 years




Tugeeva Galina


Medical orderly

1 year




Beisembayeva Ayagoz


Medical orderly

6 months




Rakhimzhanova Aizhan Tleubayevna

Medical orderly

3 months




Burkitbayev Zhandos Konysovich

Last position: Vice-Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Burkitbayev Zhandos Konysovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Graduated from Almaty State Medical University named after Asfendiyarov, specialty "Medical Business"; L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty "State and Local Administration"; South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, specialty "Pharmacy" and Turan-Astana University, specialty "Jurisprudence".

Zhandos Konysovich began his career in 1996 as a doctor at the City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care, Almaty. Then he worked as a doctor at the Republican Center of Disaster Medicine in Almaty. From 1999 to 2004, he worked in various structural divisions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consistently holding positions from chief specialist to head of the department. In 2007-2008, he worked as Deputy Head of the Department for ensuring the activities of the Committee on Socio-Cultural Development of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2008 appointed Director of the SCCP at the Blood Center in Astana, from 2011 – 2019. Director of the RSE at the Transfusiology Research and Production Center, from 2019-2021. Chairman of the Board of the National Research Oncology Center LLP of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Author of 177 scientific publications in domestic and international publications, 31 scientific papers in publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, teaching aids.


2001 – Letter of thanks from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tokayev Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich;

2003 – awarded the badge "Kazakhstan Republikasy densaulyk aktau isinin uzdigi";

2012 – awarded the badge "Densaulyk aktau isiine koskan ulesi ushin";

2014 – by the decision of the Head of State, he was awarded the Shapagat medal for active and fruitful charitable activities and charity;

2016 – by the decision of the Head of State, he was awarded the jubilee medal "Kazakhstan Republikasyn Tauelsizdigine 25 zhyl".

Петухова Н.М. Petukhova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Last position: Vice-President of the Eurasian Medical Association.

Education, specialty (qualification), licenses:

  • Tselinograd State Medical Institute (1977);
  • Medical doctor;
  • A doctor of the highest category in social hygiene of a healthcare organization.

Work experience:

  • 2017. — Vice-President of the Eurasian Medical Association;
  • 1988 - 2012 — Chief Physician of Astana City Children's Hospital No. 1;
  • 1981-1988 — Medical inspector, Head of the medical and preventive sector, Deputy Head of the Tselinograd Regional Health Department;
  • 1977-1981 — intern, district pediatrician of Tselinograd City Children's Hospital.

Other positions:

  • Member of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan;
  • Chairman of the Public Council for the Protection of Patients' Rights under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (01.2013);
  • Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 04.2017);
  • Member of the Supreme Collegial Council of the National Center for Independent Examination (NCNE).

Elected positions, deputations:

  • 18.01.2012-20.01.2016 — Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the V convocation, Member of the Committee on Socio-Cultural Development of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 07.12.2011 — Candidate for deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the V convocation on the party list of the People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan";
  • 1999 - 2012. — deputy of the Maslikhat of Astana city;
  • Deputy of the Maslikhat of Astana of the second (1999-2003) and third (2003-2007) convocations, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Maslikhat of Astana on issues of socio-cultural development, member of the Coordinating Council for Health Protection under the Akimat of Astana.

State and international awards, prizes, honorary titles:

  • The Order of "Kurmet";
  • Excellent student of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Badge of the People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan" "Belsendi kyzmeti usin";
  • The sign "Altyn dariger".


  • "Kazakhstan Republikasynyn tauelsizdigine 20 zhyl";
  • "Astana 10 zhyldygy";
  • "Kazakhstan Republikasynn tauelsizdigine 10 zhyl";
  • "Kazakhstan Constitution 10 zhyl";
  • "Kazakhstan Republikasynn Parliamentine 10 zhyl".


Zhaizhumanova Asemgul Abayevna

Chief Expert of the Department for Work with Non-governmental Legal Entities with state Participation of the KGIP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • 2018 — Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Public-Private Partnership: Practical aspects (certificate no. F01265);
  • 1995-2014 - JSC "Financial Academy", Accounting and financial reporting in accordance with IFRS on the accrual basis (Certificate No. 129704);
  • 2006 — Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Public Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan (certificate No. 0359);
  • 20004 — Institute of Management of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Information Technologies in the financial sector (certificate series K-1 No. 015);
  • 2000 — Agricultural University named after Saken Seifullin, (Astana, RK).

Work experience:

  • 06.2008-present — Chief Expert of the Department for Work with Non-governmental Legal Entities with state Participation;
  • 10.2005-06.2008 — Head of the Department for Work with National Companies of the Department for Work with Non-Governmental Legal Entities with state Participation;
  • 12.2004-10.2005 — Acting Head of the Department for Work with national companies;
  • 01.2003-12.2004 — Chief Specialist of the Department of National Companies;
  • 03.2001-01.2003 — leading specialist of the department of national companies;
  • 12.2000-03.2001 — Acting leading specialist of the Department of national companies.


  • Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Order No. 575-l/s dated 20.11.2015;
  • Medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (No. 04947 dated 29.11.2016).


Regulations on the Supervisory Board (material in development)

Information about the meetings of the Supervisory Board (material in development)

The work plan of the Supervisory Board (material in development)


The National Research Oncology Center has successfully passed National Accreditation in accordance with international standards of quality and patient safety.         


Профилактика рака поджелудочной железы

Вирус паппиломы человека


Памятка для пациентов национального научного онкологичского центра

Только вы решаете жить вам или нет и как жить

Консультативно-диагностический центр

Рак молочной железы

Национальный научный онкологический центр

Памятка для пациентов, перенесших трансплантацию печени 


Рак печени

Питание при циррозе печени

Рекомендации по питанию

Сведения о льготах и скидках

Рак желудка

Рак костей

Рак легкого

Рак почки

Рак челюстно-лицевой области

Профилактика рака шейки матки

Страх рецидива

Трансплантация костного мозга

Трансплантация костного мозга

Химиотерапия, побочные эффекты

Химиотерапия, часто задаваемые вопросы

Check-up "Онко для женщин"

Check-up "Кардио"

Check-up "Онко для мужчин"

Сheck-up "Гастроэнтерологический"

Язвенный колит


Рубрика «Профилактика и ранняя диагностика»

Вирус папилломы человека (ВПЧ) является самой распространенной вирусной инфекцией половых путей.

Большинство сексуально активных женщин и мужчин приобретают инфекцию в какой-то момент своей жизни, а некоторые могут быть повторно инфицированы.

  • • Пиковый период инфицирования как для женщин, так и для мужчин начинается вскоре после того, как они становятся сексуально активными. ВПЧ передается половым путем, но для передачи вируса не обязателен проникающий секс. Телесный генитальный контакт является достоверно установленным путем передачи инфекции.
  • • Многие типы ВПЧ не причиняют проблем. ВПЧ-инфекции обычно проходят сами, без каких-либо вмешательств, через несколько месяцев после инфицирования, и около 90% проходят в течение 2 лет. Небольшая доля инфекций, вызываемых определенными типами ВПЧ, может продолжаться и приводить к развитию рака шейки матки.
  • • На сегодняшний день рак шейки матки является самой распространенной болезнью, связанной с ВПЧ. Почти все случаи рака шейки матки могут быть обусловлены ВПЧ-инфекций.


  • •тип ВПЧ – его канцерогенность, или способность вызывать рак;
  • •иммунный статус – люди с ослабленной иммунной системой, такие как ВИЧ-инфицированные люди, с большей вероятностью имеют стойкие ВПЧ-инфекции, которые быстрее развиваются в предрак и рак;
  • •коинфекция другими возбудителями, передаваемыми половым путем, такими как возбудители простого герпеса, хламидиоза и гонореи;
  • •количество родов (число рожденных детей) и ранние первые роды;
  • •употребление табака.


Заражение онкогенными типами ВПЧ протекает в организме бессимптомно. Их можно выявить только с помощью скрининга - специального теста ВПЧ. Типы ВПЧ, не вызывающие рак (особенно типы 6 и 11), могут приводить к развитию:

  • бородавок;
  • остроконечных кандилом;
  • респираторного папилломатоза


  • • ВПЧ-инфекции обычно проходят сами-без какого[1]либо лечения;
  • • период самовыздоровления - от нескольких месяцев до двух лет;
  • • для раннего выявления рака шейки матки в Казахстане предусмотрен бесплатный скрининг (ПАП-тест) раз в 4 года для женщин старше 30 лет

В нашем центре специалисты оказывают медицинские услуги на высшем уровне. После диагностики с помощью современных надежных лабораторных и инструментальных методов исследования подбирается оптимальный вариант лечения с учетом всех имеющихся результатов.

Для получения консультации онкогинеколога позвоните по единому номеру телефона Сall-центра в будние дни: с 8:00 до 17:00 часов, сб/вс -выходной.

☎️ Call-center: 8 (7172) 702-911, 702-900,

WhatsApp: 8 708 425 07 11.

 Modern Blue Medical Health Care Services Instagram Post 3

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 «Ұйқы безінің қатерлі ісігі туралы не білу керек?» - Шоқан Айтбаев

–Аурудың созылмалы түрге ауысуына бірнеше себеп бар. Алдымен он екі елі ішек (ұлтабар) инфекциялары өт жолдарына, ұйқы без жолдарына түсіп, қабынуға әкеледі.

Диетаның бұзылуы, шылым шегу, алкогольді ішімдікке әуестік және дәрігердің нұсқауынсыз дәрідәрмекті ішкеннен панкреатит пайда болуы мүмкін. Ұйқы безінің сөлі түтіктен толық шықпағаннан қысым басталады. Содан өт жолдарының жіңішке түтігі ұлғайып, қатая бастайды. Одан әрі қант диабеті пайда болады. Түсініктірек болу үшін кейін шегініп, ұйқы безінің ағзадағы қызметі жайында аз-кем айтайық. Ұйқы безі ағзада бөлінген сөлдің өт жолдарымен қосылып, он екі елі ішекке түсіп, астың қорытылуына әсер ете отырып, өт жолдарымен бірге ыдыратып жіберуге араласады. Осы үдерісте ағза құнарлы дәрумендерді сіңіреді. Сонымен қатар ұйқы безі қаннан бөлінетін глюкозаны бір деңгейде ұстап тұрады. Қысқасы, ұйқы безі ағзадағы кішігірім зауыт секілді, – дейді онколог дәрігері Ш.Айтбаев.

Қазір де ұлттық онкология орталығында ұйқы безінің барлық түріне операция жасалады. Хирургтер ұйқы безінің құйрығын, денесін, басын кесіп, болмаса, ұйқы безін алып тастайтын операция жасауға әлеуетті. Ал көп жағдайда ағзасы операция жасауға келмейтін науқастар дертті ауырсынып, операция жасатқысы-ақ келеді. Ауруы маза бермеген пациент қолдан ұстаған кезде жүрегің ұшып кетердей күйде боласың. Шыбықтай болған науқас тіпті қалай жатарын білмей қипақтап қалады. Қарапайым аппендициттің өзінде жаның көзіңе көрінгендей болады. Ал қатерлі ісік асқынып, мазалағанда науқас бүктеліп қалады. Мұндайда науқастың жүрегі нашарлап, инфаркт алуы да мүмкін, – дейді Ш.Айтбаев.

Ұйқы безін алып тастау операциясы кезінде немесе одан кейін ұйқы безінің асқыну қаупі жоғары.

Қажет жағдайда дәрігерлер сол деректерді шолып, керегін біліп отырады. Сондай-ақ дәрігерлер ағзада ауырлық байқалса, даурықпай, мамандандырылған орталықтарға жүгінген абзалырақ екенін ескертеді.

Толығырақ сілтеме арқылы оқыңыздар:

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