Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Миссиясы: Қатерлі ісіктерді алдын-алудың, ерте диагностикалаудың және тиісті халықаралық стандарттармен емдеудің жоғары технологиялық әдістеріне қол жетімділікті арттыру арқылы онкологиялық аурулардан өлім-жітімді азайту.  

Көрінісі: Орталық Азия аймағындағы елдерде онкология саласындағы алдыңғы қатарлы ғылыми орталық, үлгілік инфрақұрылымы және ғылыми, клиникалық және білім беру тәжірибелерін интеграциялау.

Негізгі міндеттері:

  1. Онкология саласындағы ғылыми зерттеулер жүргізу.
  2. Халықаралық стандарттарға сәйкес онкологиялық көмек көрсету.
  3. Онкологиялық аурулардың алдын-алу, диагностикалау және емдеудің жеке әдістерін әзірлеу және енгізу.
  4. Онкологиялық қызметті дамытуды үйлестіру және мониторингі.
  5. Онкологиялық қызметтің кадрлық әлеуетін дамыту және дайындау.

National research oncology center – state enterprise subordinated to the Ministry of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

About the implementation of the project of the National Research Cancer Center

Mission and vision of the National research oncology center

Mission: Reduce mortality from oncology disease by increasing access to high-tech methods of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors in accordance with international standards.

Vision: leading research center in the field of oncology in the countries of Central Asian region, with an exemplary infrastructure and integration of scientific, clinical and educational practices.


1) providing oncology care in accordance with international standards;

2) conducting scientific research in the field of oncology;

3) development and implementation of personalized methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oncology disease;

4) coordination and monitoring of oncology service development; 

5) development and training of personnel potential of oncology service.

Implementation of the creation project of the National research oncology center in Nur-Sultan is carried out in the framework of the implementation of the order of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev in his address to the people of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2018 "Growth of welfare of people of Kazakhstan: increasing income and quality of life".

Every year more than 35 000 new cases of oncology disease are detected in Kazakhstan, some of which are diagnosed at a late stage. Construction of a new oncology center is a strategically important and socially significant project, which aims to ensure the availability of high-tech medical care to the population of Kazakhstan.

It is planned that the National research oncology center will become a leading center in its field at the international level, which will include scientific research laboratories, educational and clinical facilities. The most advanced technologies, departments of radiation, laser, proton and nuclear medicine will be presented in NROC. Patients will be able to receive the full range of medical care from early diagnosis to high-tech treatment and rehabilitation on Kazakhstan territory, without going abroad, on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach.

The new Center will also include:

Round-the-clock hospital for 210 beds, including 70 beds of oncohematology;

Ambulatory therapy center with a day stay of 150 seats

Polyclinic for 500 visits per shift.

Creation of the National research oncology center includes the construction of a new diagnostic and treatment building and the reconstruction of the existing building (former National research oncology and transplantology center).

At the moment, work is underway to implement the project of construction of a new diagnostic and treatment building of the National research oncology center.

Completion of the construction is scheduled for early 2021.

Construction progress

Миссия: Снижение заболеваемости и смертности от онкологических заболеваний путем повышения доступности к высокотехнологичным методам профилактики, ранней диагностики и лечения злокачественных новообразований соответствующим международным стандартам. 

Видение: Ведущий научный центр в области онкологии в странах Центрально-азиатского региона, с образцовой инфраструктурой и интеграцией научной, клинической и образовательной практики.

Основные задачи:

  1. Проведение научных исследований в области онкологии.
  2. Оказание онкологической помощи в соответствии с международными стандартами.
  3. Разработка и внедрение персонифицированных методов профилактики, диагностики и лечения онкологических заболеваний.
  4. Координация и мониторинг развития онкологической службы.
  5. Развитие и подготовка кадрового потенциала онкологической службы.

010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan,  Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3


Information Center: +7(7172) 702-900, +7(7172) 702-911

Reference: +7(7172) 702-970

Working hours: from Mon-Fri, from 08.00-17.00


Reception of the Chairman of the Board: tel. 8 (7172) 702-910

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations:

Myrzakhanova Alua Zharylkasynovna

Tel. 8 (7172) 702-900 (ext.16-11)

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Chancellery: 8 (7172) 702-911 WhatsApp: 8 708 425 0711.

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Helpline for anti-corruption cases: 1424 - Call center, 8 (7172) 75-34-19 - reference


The helpline of the anti-corruption compliance service of NROC LLP: 8 (7172) 702-888 Internal 10-89

Mob .: 87011057666

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Human Resources Department:

8 (7172) 70-29-74

8 (7172) 70-29-20


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