Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Ультрафиолетовое излучение — вид электромагнитного излучения. Главным источником ультрафиолета являются солнечные лучи, а также искусственные источники УФ-излучения, например, в соляриях.

УФ-излучение является источником радиации – менее сильным, чем, например, рентгеновские лучи, но более сильным чем радиоволны.  Это свойство придает УФ лучам способность забирать электрон из атома или молекулы, т. е. ионизировать (поэтому радиацию называют ионизирующей). Ионизирующая радиация способна повреждать ДНК клеток, что может вызывать рак кожи.  Одним из самых важных и простых способов снизить риск рака кожи - это защитить ее от УФ-излучения. Солярии также излучают УФ-излучение и вызывают такое же повреждение кожи, как если бы вы загорали под солнцем.

Виды рака кожи, которые способно вызвать ультрафиолетовое облучение:

  • Базалиомаи плоскоклеточный рак. Факторами риска являются проведение длительного времени на солнце (включая загар на пляже), в открытом бассейне, жизнь в «солнечных» регионах, наличие солнечных ожогов в прошлом (чем больше их было, тем выше риск), наличие на коже признаков повреждения, вызванных инсоляцией («печеночные» пятна, актинический кератоз, солнечный эластоз).
  • Меланома. Факторы риска аналогичны вышеописанным. Особенно хочется выделить «периодическую» инсоляцию (загар, водные виды спорта на открытом воздухе, отпуск в солнечных странах).  На вероятность возникновения меланомы влияют этнические факторы: опухоль встречается чаще у людей со светлой кожей и светлыми или рыжими волосами (I и II фототипы кожи по Fitzpatrick).

Для защиты кожи от вредного воздействия ультрафиолетовых лучей врачи рекомендуют:

  • Не выходить на улицу с 10:00 до 16:00, когда солнечные лучи наиболее сильны.
  • Не использовать солярии.
  • Использовать солнцезащитный крем и бальзам для губ не ниже 30 SPF как минимум. Наносить необходимо за 30 минут до выхода на улицу. Повторно наносите крем каждые два часа, после купания или потоотделения.
  • Прикрываться. Носите темную одежду из плотной ткани. Выберите шляпу с большими полями, чтобы защитить уши и шею.
  • Носить солнцезащитные очки с защитой от UVA и UVB лучей.

Признаки опухолевых заболеваний кожи:

  • Первый признак – появление на поверхности кожи небольшого пятна, серо-желтого узелка или блестящей бляшки.
  • На ранних стадиях заболевание не имеет субъективных проявлений и никакого дискомфорта не причиняет.
  • При увеличении опухоли, она может начать зудеть, чесаться, появляется ощущение дискомфорта, покалывания.
  • Далее в середине новообразования может появиться небольшая мокнущая язвочка.
  • Иногда она начинает кровоточить или покрываться корочкой. Середина этого образования может зарубцеваться, но при этом сохраняется склонность к периферическому росту.
  • При пальпации основания этого новообразования можно ощутить некоторую уплотненность тканей, хотя признаков воспаления нет.

Существует общепризнанный алгоритм оценки пигментных образований ABCDE, который может помочь определению «подозрительных». Он состоит из первых букв оцениваемых признаков:

  • A (asymmetry, асимметрия) — появление асимметрии образования.
  • B (boundary, контур) — наличие неровных, «рваных» краев и зазубренностей.
  • C (color, цвет) — неравномерность пигментации с наличием темных и голубоватых оттенков.
  • D (diameter, диаметр) — диаметр больше 6 мм.
  • E (evolution, изменение) — изменение с течением времени.

Если у вас имеются вышеперечисленные симптомы или вы заметили подозрительные образования на коже, незамедлительно обратитесь к врачу.

Strategic Plan for NROC 2020-2024

Myoma is the most common type of tumor of the female reproductive organs and is the most common type of tumor of the female reproductive organs, which occurs in 20-40% of women of reproductive age.

Kulkeva Gulnar UtepbergenovaKulkeva Gulnar Utepbergenova

Chairman of the Board of the National oncology research center.

Мукажанов Адильбек КаирбековичAdilbek Kairbekovich Mukazhanov

Deputy Chairman Of the Board for medical activities.

СатыбаевSatybaev Kanat Syzdykovich

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for administrative, legal, financial and economic activities



What is screening?

Screening is a complex of measures, including a preventive medical examination and additional examination methods, carried out in order to detect a tumor at an early stage, when there are no symptoms of the disease yet.

A tumor diagnosed at an early stage can be completely healed.

At later stages, when there are already symptoms of the disease and there is a possibility of the spread of the tumor, the treatment of the disease becomes more difficult. Therefore, early detection and treatment of a tumor, before its spread, is the most effective way to reduce mortality from malignant neoplasms.

It often happens that the tumor cannot always be detected in the early stages, since the early course of the disease is asymptomatic, the patient does not feel changes in his state of health and does not go to doctors for examination.

It is important to note that being screened does not mean cancer is suspected.

In Kazakhstan, there are screening programs for specific diseases and for certain age groups, which are completely free for the population.


Screening types:

• Breast cancer - women between 40 and 70 years old.

• Cervical cancer - women between 30 and 70 years old.

• Colorectal screening - men and women from 50 to 70 years old.


Screening can be done at the clinic at the place of attachment free of charge.

It is important to understand that prevention, early diagnosis, screening and treatment are key components of successful cancer control. Early detection of cancer saves lives, reduces treatment costs and preserves the quality of life of those who are ill.

Colonoscopy - what is it?

It is well known that such a complex procedure as a colonoscopy is necessary to diagnose pathologies of the colon and rectum. The procedure consists in inserting a probe (colonoscope) into the anus. The probe attaches to a flexible tube and contains a tiny video camera that allows the doctor to examine the mucosal surface throughout the colon. The length of the device is up to 1.45 m, which allows examination of the blind, sigmoid, colon and rectum. Colonoscopy does not involve the small intestine. If necessary, colonoscopy can also remove polyps or other types of growths or take tissue samples for analysis (biopsy).

Why is colonoscopy needed?

The patient is indicated for a colonoscopy for chronic abdominal pain, bleeding from the anus, chronic constipation, diarrhea and other bowel problems. You can also have a colonoscopy to check for bowel cancer. If the patient is over 50 years old and has no history of colon cancer in the family, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo an abdominal examination with a colonoscope every 7-10 years. If the patient is prone to the formation of polyps on the walls of the large intestine, colonoscopy should be carried out at regular intervals in order to find and remove the polyps that have arisen during the examination of the walls. This manipulation is performed to reduce the risk of rectal cancer.

Preparing for a colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy is a low-traumatic type of medical procedure; most people experience it under the influence of anesthesia. The research itself takes no more than an hour, and recovery after a couple of hours. Preparation for the study is the most difficult for patients. It is a little consoling that if the procedure is successful, and no pathologies have been identified, then the next one may not be required for 7-10 years.

It is well known that colonoscopy requires a preliminary cleansing of the intestines so that it is empty and as clean as possible (as possible) - otherwise food debris and feces can make it difficult for the doctor to see. As a rule, when a doctor prescribes a diagnostic procedure, he tells the patient exactly how to prepare for it, what to eat, what drugs to use and what reactions of the body should be expected in the preparation process. The method of preparation for colonoscopy is selected for each patient individually.

Make an appointment and more detailed information on bowel preparation by phone 8 (7172) 702895.

What is bronchoscopy?

Bronchoscopy is a modern diagnostic study of the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi using a special optical device - a bronchoscope. This is the only method that allows you to directly assess the inner surface of the bronchi, to study their configuration, the relief of the mucous membrane and its vascular pattern, and if a pathologically altered area of ​​the mucous membrane is detected, a biopsy is performed for subsequent morphological analysis. Bronchoscopy is also the most important and effective way of treating patients with chronic inflammatory and purulent lung diseases.

Preparation for research.

The study is carried out strictly on an empty stomach, food intake for 8-10 hours and liquid for 4-6 hours before the start of the procedure is completely excluded. In the evening before the study (until 18:00) - a light dinner. On the day of the study, you should refrain from smoking.

Cancel oral anticoagulants (blood thinners) on the eve of the study, pause subcutaneous administration of heparin 4-6 hours before the procedure. For examination, you must have an outpatient card, the results of a CT scan of the chest or a description of the X-ray of the lungs, a towel (since after the procedure, a short hemoptysis is possible). If you suffer from bronchial asthma, do not forget the inhaler. During the preliminary conversation, inform your doctor about your allergy to medicines (especially if you are allergic to pain medications) and your chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, heart failure).

Additional diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations during bronchoscopy:

Mucosal biopsy / neoplasm

Flushing from the walls of the bronchi

Bronchoalveolar lavage

Sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree

What complications can there be?

As a rule, this study is well tolerated by patients, but sometimes there is a loss or hoarseness of the voice, sore throat, and in the case of a biopsy, hemoptysis may occur. These phenomena are temporary. You should be alerted to prolonged hemoptysis, intense unrelenting chest pain, swelling on the face and around the neck, nausea and vomiting, as well as fever and chills. If these symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

What is gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy (EGDS, FEGDS, FGS, esophagogastroduodenoscopy) is an endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope, which is performed by an endoscopist. During gastroscopy, the doctor examines the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (the initial part of the small intestine) from the inside.

Gastroscopy (advantages of the method).

Gastroscopy is the "gold" standard (the best method) for the diagnosis of inflammatory, erosive, ulcerative, precancerous and neoplastic diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum 12.

Any other methods for diagnosing these organs do not have such information content and accuracy.

A modern endoscope is a highly sophisticated high-tech device that allows a qualified endoscopist to see the image with optical magnification and examine everything in great detail. After all, any changes in color and surface, even a few millimeters in size, are very important for detecting not only the disease itself, but also its first signs.

During gastroscopy, a biopsy is performed, followed by histology, if necessary, examine the cells under a microscope and make a diagnosis at the cellular level, additionally conduct an analysis for the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (text Helicobacter), which is not only the cause of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and gastritis, but also for many years being in the stomach can lead to more serious consequences.

Preparation for research.

Gastroscopy is performed strictly on an empty stomach!

If you are taking important medications on a daily basis (for lowering blood pressure, heart medications, etc.) they must be taken. Take with you all available medical documentation (referral, data from previous studies, etc.).

Rules for preparing for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity:

  1. Three days before the study, exclude from the diet: black bread, dairy products, peas, beans, cabbage, fresh vegetables and fruits, onions, garlic, sugary foods and carbonated drinks.
  2. On the day of the study, come on an empty stomach (do not drink, do not eat).

Rules for preparing for a pelvic ultrasound:

(Urinary bladder, prostate, gynecological organs)

Drink 1.5 liters of liquid an hour before the test and do not go to the toilet before the test.

Ultrasound of lymph nodes, mammary, thyroid glands:

No special training is required.

The accuracy of the results depends on adherence to the rules of preparation.

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