Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих


Zhandos Burkitbaev

Last position: Vice Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Burkitbaev Zhandos Konysovich - candidate of medical sciences, doctoral student of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov.

Graduated from the Almaty State Medical University. Asfendiyarov with a degree in General Medicine; Eurasian National University. LN Gumilyov with a degree in State and Local Administration; South Kazakhstan Medical Academy with a degree in Pharmacy and the University of Turan-Astana with a degree in Jurisprudence.

Zhandos Konysovich began his career in 1996 as a doctor at the city clinical hospital of emergency medical care, Almaty. Then he worked as a doctor at the Republican Center for Disaster Medicine in Almaty. 1999 - 2004 worked in various structural departments of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, successively occupying positions from chief specialist to head of department. In 2007-2008 worked as deputy head of the department for ensuring the activities of the Committee for Social and Cultural Development of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2008, was appointed director of the SMMO at the REU «Blood Center» in Astana, from 2011 - 2019 Director of the RSE at the REU «Scientific and production center for transfusiology», from 2019-2021 Chairman of the Board of the «National Scientific Oncological Center» LLP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Author of 177 scientific publications in domestic and international publications, 31 scientific works in the publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, teaching aids.


2001 - Letter of thanks from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich Tokayev;

2003 - awarded the badge "Excellence in Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

2012 - awarded with the badge "For contribution to health care";

2014 - by the decision of the Head of State was awarded the Shapagat medal for active and fruitful charitable work and mercy;

2016 - by the decision of the Head of State, he was awarded the jubilee medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Петухова Н.М.

Petukhova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Last position: Vice President of the Eurasian Medical Association.

Education, specialty (qualification), licenses:

  • • Tselinograd State Medical Institute (1977);
  • • Medical doctor;
  • • Physician of the highest category in social hygiene of the healthcare organization.


  • • 2017 - Vice President of the Eurasian Medical Association;
  • • 1988-2012. - Chief Physician of the City Children's Hospital No. 1 in Astana;
  • • 1981-1988. - doctor-inspector, head of the treatment-and-prophylactic sector, deputy head of the Tselinograd regional health department;
  • • 1977-1981 - intern doctor, district pediatrician of the Tselinograd city children's hospital.

Other positions:

  • • Member of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan;
  • • Chairman of the Public Council for the Protection of Patients' Rights under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (01.2013);
  • • Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from 04.2017);
  • • Member of the Supreme Collegial Council of the National Center for Independent Examination (NCNE).

Elected positions, deputies:

  • • 18.01.2012-20.01.2016. - Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the V convocation, Member of the Committee for Social and Cultural Development of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • • 07.12.2011. - A candidate for deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the V convocation on the party list of the People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan";
  • • 1999-2012. - Deputy of the Maslikhat of Astana city;
  • • Deputy of the maslikhat of the city of Astana of the second (1999-2003) and third (2003-2007) convocations, deputy chairman of the permanent commission of the maslikhat of the city of Astana on social and cultural development, member of the coordination council for health protection under the akimat of the city of Astana.

State and international awards, prizes, honorary titles:

  • • Order "Qrmet";
  • • Excellence in Health Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • • Breastplate of the People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan" "Belsendi Kyzmeti Ushin";
  • • Sign "Altyn duriger".


  • • "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
  • • "10 years of Astana";
  • • "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
  • • "10 yars of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
  •  "10 years of Parlament of Republic of Kazakhstan".


Zhaizhumanova Asemgul Abaevna

Chief expert of the Department for work with non-state legal entities with state participation of the KGIP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • • 2018 - Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Public-private partnership: practical aspects (certificate №F01265);
  • • 1995-2014. - JSC "Financial Academy", Accounting and financial reporting in accordance with IPSAS on an accrual basis (certificate No. 129704);
  • • 2006 - Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan (certificate No. 0359);
  • • 20004 - Institute of Management of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Information technologies in the financial sector (certificate series K-1 No. 015);
  • • 2000. - Agrarian University named after Saken Seifullin, (Astana, RK).


  • • 06.2008 - up to now - chief expert of the Department for work with non-state legal entities with state participation;
  • • 10.2005-06.2008. - Head of the Department for Work with National Companies of the Office for Work with Non-State Legal Entities with State Participation;
  • • 12.2004-10.2005. - acting head of the department for work with national companies;
  • • 01.2003-12.2004. - chief specialist of the department of national companies;
  • • 03.2001-01.2003. - Leading specialist of the department of national companies;
  • • 12.2000-03.2001. - Acting Leading Specialist of the Department of National Companies.


  • • Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (order No. 575-l / s dated 20.11.2015;

Medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (No. 04947 dated November 29, 2016).



Secretary of the Supervisory Board - Bakytzhan Nurkeldievna Kusainova


  1. Организация локальной этической комиссии
  2. Написание СОП
  3. Соглашение о конфиденциальности-конфликте интересов
  4. Отбор независимых консультантов
  5. Процесс подачи заявки и протокола исследования
  6. Форма оценки исследования
  7. Первоначальное рассмотрение поданных заявок и протоколов
  8. Ускоренная экспертиза
  9. Экспертиза исследований медицинских приборов-оборудования
  10. Экспертиза инициативных-диссертационных работ
  11. Порядок рассмотрения исследований с участием уязвимых групп населения
  12. Порядок освобождения исследования от прохождения этической экспертизы
  13. Рассмотрение повторных заявок
  14. Рассмотрение поправок к протоколу
  15. Наблюдение за ходом исследования
  16. Рассмотрение заключительных отчетов
  17. Работа с документами текущего исследования
  18. Несоответствие-нарушения протокола
  19. Ответы на запросы участников
  20. Управление прекращением исследования
  21. Рассмотрение СНЯ
  22. Визит в исследовательский центр
  23. Подготовка повестки заседания, проведения заседания и протокола
  24. Внеочередное совещание
  25. Сохранение конфиденциальности документации ЛЭК
  26. Хранение документов
  27. Правила получения информированного согласия на участие в научном (клиническом) исследовании

The Local ethical commission of LLP “NROC” (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is an independent expert body, which includes leading scientific experts, representatives of public organizations that protect the rights, safety and well-being of subjects and researchers, ethical and moral and legal assessment of clinical trial materials/ tests in cases of controversial issues arising at all stages of a clinical study/trial, as well as after their completion.

The main goal of the Commission is to protect the rights, dignity, safety and well-being of subjects (patients and volunteers) and researchers participating in clinical trials, biomedical experiments, as well as the moral, ethical and legal assessment of clinical trial materials.

The main tasks of the Commission are:

  1. Ensuring safety and human rights at the stages of planning and conducting research;
  2. Ethical and legal examination of materials from clinical studies carried out within the framework of scientific and technical programs, initiative (dissertation) works, scientific projects (including with the participation of international organizations), scientific publications;
  3. Development of documents on issues of biological and medical ethics.
  • Regulations on the local ethical commission
  • Composition of the local ethics commission
  • Schedule of meetings of the local ethics commission
  • Calendar plan of the local ethical commission
  • List of standard operating procedures for a clinical trial
  • List of approved standard operating procedures
  • List of documents for examination of a clinical trial
  • List of documents for examination of clinical research work
  • List of documents for examination of new technologies
  • List of documents for examination of experimental research work

List of documents for examination.

  1. Application addressed to the chairman of the Local Ethics Commission
  2. Application form filled out by the researcher, according to the form in the appendix (download the application form)


- contact information of the researcher;

- design and methodology of the project;

- the number of study participants who must be recruited, both in the organization and in all places where the project is implemented (in cases where the project will be implemented in several centers);

- whether the researcher plans to recruit people from vulnerable populations (for example, children or people with cognitive problems);

- source of funding (eg granting agency, pharmaceutical company);

- a list of other LECs that the researcher contacted;

- all resources that are requested from the organization (for example, analysis of blood samples, office space, x-ray machine);

- a statement about the presence of any conflict of interest of the researcher.

  1. A brief summary of the project (synopsis), presented in accessible language;
  2. Clinical trial protocol (original or copy), signed by the sponsor or its authorized representative and the investigator;
  3. Form of informed consent of research subjects in the state and Russian languages (download the form)
  4. All questionnaires and other forms (individual registration cards) for data collection in the state and Russian languages;
  5. Instructions (draft) for the medical use of a medicinal product, medical device or medical equipment;
  6. Resume of the researcher(s), certificates of completion of training, incl. Good Clinical Practice/Good Laboratory Practice courses;
  7. Investigator's Brochure on Clinical Trials;
  8. Contract with sponsors and project budget (if applicable);
  9. Insurance agreement for participants;
  10. Other research documents


  • Recruitment announcements
  • Presentation of the conditions for the transfer of payments for the responsibility of the researcher (in cases if provided for in the protocol)
  • Presentation of materials used to attract potential study participants
  • Submission of a description of the conditions of insurance of study participants (in cases if provided for in the protocol)
  • Provide a description of all compensation for participation in the study.
  • Presentation of all significant previous decisions made by other ECs or authorities regarding the planned study
  • Individual registration form, questionnaires designed to be completed by study participants

Documents are submitted in paper and electronic versions.

Forms of documents required for ethical examination

  • Study protocol diagram
  • Application form
  • Forms of documents for examination of experimental research work

Contacts of the Secretariat of the Commission of the LLP “National Scientific Oncology Center

Phone: 8 (7172) 70-29-59

Chairman of the Commission: Aida Fazylovna Shakirova, candidate of medical sciences, professor.

Deputy Chairman: Sagandykov Irlan Nigmetzhanovich, candidate of medical sciences,

Secretary of the Commission: Yessenbaeva Gulfairus Abdimazhitovna


Early diagnosis of cancer allows you to identify the disease in the first stage and choose an effective treatment. For these purposes, various types of studies help, ranging from prophylactic scanning to analyzes on specific tumor markers.

Undergoing preventive examinations is especially important for patients at risk:

Working in hazardous industries

Abusers of smoking, alcohol and other toxic substances

Having a hereditary predisposition

Living in ecologically unfavorable territories

According to statistics, a cancer detected at an early stage can be cured or stop in most cases. This allows significantly reduce mortality from this group of pathologies, as well as to maintain a high quality of life for patients.

  • How to diagnose cancer? Diagnostic Methods.
  • What are the oncology tests?
  • Where to get an oncology test?

 How to diagnose cancer? Diagnostic Methods.

The diagnostic methods:

  • Screening for cancer markers
  • Mammography (for suspected breast tumor)
  • Diagnosis using endoscopy
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound diagnostics
  • X-ray diagnostics
  • Histology

Mammography - is an image of the mammary glands using a small dose of x-ray. This study allows you to detect signs of the formation of cancer cells 1-2 years before the formation of the tumor.

This method used in the following cases:

When seals appear in the mammary gland

When the nipple is deformed

In the presence of redness and swelling

With a hereditary predisposition

Endoscopy - diagnosis of cancer using endoscopy carried out by introducing a flexible endoscope into the body, which can be equipped with a photo, video camera and a biopsy device. This type of examination helps to identify the initial stage of such oncological lesions as cancer of the larynx, stomach, lungs and intestines.

Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to identify a tumor of extremely small sizes (0.1-0.3 mm), to determine the presence of metastases and to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment used. MRI can detect cancer of the following organs:

  • Brain
  • Larynx
  • Uterus and its cervix
  • Pancreas
  • Liver and kidney
  • Bladder
  • Prostate and prostate

The principle of ultrasound based on the possibility of reflection of sound waves by tissues of various types. This study used to diagnose cancer affecting the following organs:

  • Milk glands
  • Uterus
  • Thyroid
  • Heart, etc.

Often, the results of ultrasound require additional types of examinations to clarify the diagnosis, location and type of tumor. Scanning the body

The following methods used to scan a human body in order to detect a cancer tumor:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound and endo-ultrasound)
  • Multi spiral computed tomography (MSCT)

A preventive scan of the body prescribed in the following cases:

  • When a general malaise appears, if it is not clear which organ delivers pain
  • To identify diseases at an early stage, asymptomatic
  • If necessary, detect tumor metastases
  • When searching for a systemic disease

Modern X-ray diagnosis of cancer allows the use of gentle x-rays, which do not have a serious negative effect on the body, but help to clarify the contours of the tumor. This method is suitable for patients with a large body weight, since it does not require complete immersion in the device (unlike MRI).

Histology allows you to examine samples of tumor tissue taken by biopsy, and to establish the nature and type of neoplasm. In addition, this method allows you to pre-evaluate how effective the selected methods of treatment will be, and adjust the treatment program before it even starts.


What are the oncology tests?

When conducting differential diagnosis of cancer, the following types of laboratory tests necessarily prescribed:

  • Blood tests:
  • Biochemical
  • General
  • Research on tumor markers
  • AST and ALT
  • Potassium content
  • Urine tests to determine the level of content:
  • Protein
  • Creatinine
  • Urea, etc.
  • Phosphatases
  • Cytological studies:
  • Lymph node puncture
  • Breast biopsy (in women)
  • Study of tissue samples of the pleural and abdominal cavity
  • Scraping of the cervical mucosa (in women)
  • Smear and secretion of the prostate (in men)
  • Analysis of feces for occult blood (detection of colorectal cancer)

The doctor, who then studies the results and prescribes treatment in accordance with the clinical picture, prescribes all the necessary types of tests.

In general, for the diagnosis of cancer, it is necessary to pass a number of blood tests, urine, feces and other fluids. You should also undergo a study of the following organs:

  • Thyroid gland
  • Mammary glands
  • Prostate and prostate gland
  • Kidney
  • Uterus and its cervix
  • Abdominal cavity
  • Retroperitoneal lymph nodes
  • Scrotum organs

A blood test for tumor markers performed as follows: a special substance introduced into the patient’s blood that can isolate cancer cells among all the others, then a blood sample taken and the obtained sample examined for the presence of tumor markers. The main ones are CA 19-9, CA 12-5, AFP and CA 15-3.

Marker CA 19-9 may be a sign of a tumor in the following organs:

  • Pancreas
  • Gall bladder
  • Stomach
  • Colon or rectum

CA 15-3 can signal the presence of cancer in organs such as:

  • Milk glands
  • Uterus and ovaries
  • Stomach and pancreas
  • Liver
  • A high concentration of AFP can signal the presence of liver cancer.
  • The presence of a high level of CA 12-5 - evidence of cancer damage:
  • Uterus
  • Ovary
  • Breast

Where to get an oncology test?

There are many medical clinics for diagnosing cancer in the modern world. In large private clinics, there are separate effective centers for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

If for some reason you do not want (or do not have the opportunity), you can go to the clinic at the place of registration or attachment and take some types of tests there.

The National Cancer Research Center offers the possibility of treating cancer within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care under the OSMS policy.

If there is a risk of developing a cancer disease or suspicion of it, you should sign up for a comprehensive examination at the consultative diagnostic department of the National Scientific Oncology Center with a large number of diverse specialists and modern equipment for research.

Thus, YOU will be able to get the most accurate result and identify the disease even at the earliest stage in order to take the necessary measures in time.


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