Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих


PANCREATIC CANCER Vascular diseases

Рак поджелудки каз.яз. копия 4 page 0001

On approval of the List of medicines and medical devices within the guaranteed volume of free medical care and in the system of compulsory medical insurance, including medicines, medical devices and specialized medical products for free or preferential provision of certain categories of citizens with certain diseases (conditions) at the outpatient level.

Appendix to the Decree of the Government

of the Republic of Kazakhstan

dated December 15, 2009 No. 2136


List of guaranteed volume of free medical care

General provisions

The guaranteed volume of free medical care (hereinafter referred to as GVFMC) is provided to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and oralmans at the expense of budgetary funds and includes preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical services that have the highest proven effectiveness.

The GVFMC includes:

1) emergency medical care and air ambulance;

2) outpatient care, including:

primary health care (hereinafter - PHC);

consultative and diagnostic assistance (hereinafter - CDA) in the direction of a specialist in primary health care and specialized specialists;

3) inpatient medical care in the direction of a PHC specialist or specialized specialists within the planned volumes determined by the authorized body in the field of healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), according to emergency indications - regardless of the availability of the referral;

4) hospital-replacing medical care in the direction of a PHC specialist or specialized specialists;

5) rehabilitation treatment and medical rehabilitation;

6) palliative care and nursing care for the categories of the population established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of GVFMC

Emergency medical care within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care includes:

1) provision of medical care according to emergency indications;

2) delivery of patients to medical organizations according to emergency indications;

3) medical support for mass events (public, cultural, sports and others), district, regional, republican significance in agreement with the authorized body in the field of healthcare or local executive body.

Air ambulance within the framework of the GVFMC includes:

1) provision of emergency medical care to the population when it is impossible to provide an appropriate level of medical care due to the lack of necessary resources in the medical organization at the location of the patient;

2) delivery of qualified specialists to the destination or transportation of the patient to the appropriate medical organization by means of air transport and motor transport.

Ambulatory polyclinic care within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care includes PHC, KDP and is provided in the amount in accordance with the appendix to this list of the guaranteed volume of medical care.

Medical assistance using highly specialized and new technologies is provided by the referral of a specialist from an outpatient organization (hereinafter - APO) in accordance with the list approved by the authorized body in the field of healthcare (hereinafter - the authorized body).

Inpatient care within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care is carried out without the provision of additional services (TV, telephone, custom meals, etc.) in the wards of the standard established by the authorized body.

The guaranteed volume of medical care provided in the form of inpatient care, according to the types and volumes approved by the authorized body, includes:

1) examinations, consultations of specialists, including with the use of telemedicine communications;

2) laboratory and instrumental studies in accordance with healthcare standards;

3) medical services (except for paid ones), drug provision in accordance with drug formularies for medical reasons;

4) provision of blood products and its components for medical reasons;

5) providing an opportunity to be in a medical organization to a mother (father) or another person directly caring for a child under the age of three, as well as seriously ill older children who need additional care at the conclusion of doctors, with the issuance of a temporary disability certificate;

6) providing the nursing mother of a child up to one year of age with free meals in a medical organization for the entire period of stay to care for the child;

7) early and continued medical rehabilitation in accordance with the standards for the organization of medical care (hereinafter referred to as the standard), approved by the authorized body, including late, for children and socially vulnerable categories of citizens;

8) creation of the necessary conditions for games, recreation and educational work in children's inpatient medical organizations;

9) palliative care and nursing care for the categories of the population established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Hospital-replacing medical care within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care includes:

1) examinations, consultations of specialists;

2) medical services (except for paid ones), drug provision, in accordance with drug formularies for medical reasons;

3) early and continued medical rehabilitation for all categories of citizens according to indications, including physiotherapy and exercise therapy, in accordance with the standards.

The services of the pathological and anatomical bureau (departments) within the framework of the GVFMC include:

The provision of medicines for the provision of guaranteed volume of medical care is carried out in accordance with the medicinal formulas approved by medical organizations and agreed in the prescribed manner by the authorized body when providing:

1) ambulance / emergency / emergency medical care;

2) anti-rabies care according to epidemiological indications in the event of a risk of infection;

3) sanitary and preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic assistance according to indications;

4) immunoprophylaxis/vaccination;

5) inpatient and inpatient care.

Medicinal provision at the outpatient level within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care is carried out in accordance with the list of medicines and medical devices approved by the authorized body for the free provision of certain categories of citizens with certain diseases (conditions) and specialized medical products according to the indications and prescription of a PHC specialist.

Medical assistance within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care also includes diagnostic and treatment services using minimally invasive technologies.

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The head of the center is Khudaibergenova Mahira Seidualykyzy,

Doctor-clinical pharmacologist of the first category, Master of Biology in pharmacology, Excellent student of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

She passed advanced training in the USA, South Korea, Russia, Turkey.

The composition of the center:

Zhanbayeva Gulnar Amirovna- pharmacist

Tasks of the center:

  • achieving clinical efficacy, safety of drug therapy, rational use of medicines to improve the quality of medical care and the results of treatment of patients at the Center;
  • organization of an internal assessment of the rational use of medicines in the Center to perform high–tech medical services and specialized medical care for patients of the Center according to the profile, taking into account the requirements of the current regulatory, organizational, legal, administrative and governing documents;
  • providing management, medical personnel, patients with objective information about rational approaches to drug therapy, therapeutic and economic feasibility based on the principles of evidence-based medicine;
  • implementation and maintenance of national and international standards in the activities of the Center.
  • participation in the development of the Center's Drug Form;
  • introduction of the principles of rational pharmacotherapy in the clinical structural units of the Center.

The main functions of the center:

  • informing and advising medical personnel on the appointment and use of medicines;
  • carrying out activities aimed at improving the professional level and awareness of medical personnel on the choice of medicines, dosage regimen, interaction, predicted side effects;
  • conducting expertise, analysis and evaluation of the use of medicines, and participation in pharmacovigilance;
  • participation in the development and approval of the Center's Drug Form;
  • monitoring compliance with the rules of prescribing and administration of medicines in clinical structural units;
  • regular analysis of pharmacotherapy in order to safely and rationally prescribe medicines, monitoring the effects of drug therapy, including side effects.

Contacts for communication: +7 (7172) 702-900 (ext.        )

Call center: +7 (7172)702-911.

WhatsApp Image 2023 02 10 at 14.43.54

The head of the center is Sakenova Asel Seriktayevna, transfusiologist of the first qualification category, Master's degree.

 Passed advanced training in Russia.


Tasks and functions of the center:

  • Organization and implementation of transfusion therapy (transfusiological care) at the National Research Oncology Center LLP;
  • Organization and conduct of training in transfusion therapy (transfusiological care) of medical workers of clinical departments with their subsequent certification.
  • Introduction of new high-tech blood tests using modern technologies in accordance with state and international standards;
  • Organization of work of the Transfusion Council for the implementation of quality management of transfusion therapy (transfusiological care).
  • Receiving, transporting blood and its components from the RSE
  • to the Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accounting and storage of blood components and preparations, as well as their delivery to clinical units;
  • Performing and interpreting immunohematological studies of recipient blood samples;
  • Verification of reasonable and prompt use of blood components and preparations by structural units;
  • Correction of prescribed transfusion therapy (after bone marrow, liver and other organ transplantation);
  • Carrying out blood reinfusion and the use of blood-sparing techniques;
  • Analysis of medical documentation (medical card) audit of the performed transfusion of donor blood of structural units;
  • Conducting practical and theoretical classes with medical workers of clinical structural units with their subsequent certification in transfusiology;
  • Accounting for cases of posttransfusion reactions (complications), studying the causes of their occurrence and organizing measures to prevent and reduce posttransfusion reactions (complications);
  • participation in scientific research, generalization of clinical and scientific data in order to develop new methods of providing high-tech medical services and specialized medical care, their implementation in practice.

The composition of the medical staff:

  • Kaldybayeva Sh.T. is a transfusiologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience: 14 years. He passed advanced training in Russia, Belarus and America.
  • Asylbekova Aigerim Takenovna is a transfusiologist of the second qualification

category. Work experience: 5 years. Passed advanced training in Russia.

  • Akhmetova Zhanar Alkhanovna is a transfusiologist of the first qualification category. Work experience: 9 years.
  • Myrzatayeva Akerke Kuanyshbekovna is a transfusiologist. Work experience: 3 years.

Range of services:

  • Receiving and transporting blood and its components;
  • Storage and delivery of blood, its components and preparations;
  • Determination of blood type and Rh factor, screening of anti-erythrocyte antibodies and a direct Coombs test, determination of the phenotype of erythrocytes by the Rh and Kell system;
  • To conduct tests for the compatibility of blood of the donor and recipient;
  • Conducting blood reinfusion;

Working hours: 24/7

әзірлеудегі материал


Higher medical education, advanced training




Work experience at least 5 years

Competences and skills

systems thinking,

ability to work both independently and in a team

well-developed written and oral communication skills

Job Responsibilities

· monthly internal current and retrospective examination in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

· training and monitoring of fulfillment by nursing professionals of the requirements of the National Accreditation standards.

· conducting an assessment of the quality of work of senior nurses as part of an internal examination of medical services.

· generalization and analysis of the results of internal expertise, bringing to the attention of the management of the Partnership, interested specialists.

introduction and analysis of the results of internal examination at meetings of the Council of Nursing Specialists with the subsequent development of an action plan aimed at eliminating and preventing the identified shortcomings.

participation in internal audits of the activities of nursing professionals of the Partnership.

monitoring the implementation of the corrective action plan by responsible persons.

· participation in the development/updating of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in accordance with the requirements of the National Accreditation standards.

· active participation in the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the department in accordance with the Regulations on the Department;

· minimization of risks, implementation of prevention of the occurrence of risks associated with the implementation of these duties.

· provision and strengthening of a healthy corporate culture in the Partnership;

Ensuring compliance with medical ethics, internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;

Correct and timely execution of tasks and instructions of the leadership of the Partnership

Working mode


Official salary

based on the results of the interview

Place of work

Astana / Esil district, st. Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar, 3

Contact details

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for resume)

+7 (7172) 70-29-74

+7 705 103 15 87



Higher medical, higher professional (biological, chemical, biochemical, molecular genetic) education, advanced training in the relevant specialty


"Biotechnology", "biology", "molecular genetics", certificate of a specialist in the relevant specialty


Work experience at least 3 years

Competences and skills

Systems thinking

ability to work both independently and in a team

well-developed written and oral communication skillsEnsuring compliance with medical ethics, internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;

Correct and timely execution of tasks and instructions of the leadership of the Partnership

Job Responsibilities

1) prepare immunohistochemical preparations on a microtome;

2) be able to work on the immunostainer, know the software and functions of the stainer, performing all stages of preparation of preparations, including deparaffinization, antigen unmasking and hematoxylin staining in one system;

3) analyze the amount of reagents in the operating stock of the device, control the expiration date of each reagent;

4) ensure the timely provision of immunohistochemical preparations to the doctors of the Center for issuing final conclusions with immunophenotyping of the tumor, employees of the Clinical Centers of the Partnership;

5) conducts immunohistochemical studies in due time;

6) to carry out research work, introduce new and improve existing forms and methods of diagnostics into the work of the Center;

7) ensuring the confidentiality of official information;

8) timely draws up all the necessary accounting and reporting medical documentation provided for by the legislation on health care;

9) must constantly improve their professional competence and the level of general culture, engaging in continuous self-education;

10) correct and timely execution of tasks and instructions of the immediate supervisor / management of the Partnership;

11) prevent abuse of official position and corruption offenses;

12) take part in production meetings, daily planning meetings held by the head of the Center for Pathomorphology with Cytology;

13) participation in the implementation of the introduction of advanced medical technologies, modern hospital management, international quality and safety standards within the framework of international accreditation JCI (Joint Commission International);

14) ensures the implementation and maintenance of national and international standards in its activities;

15) minimize risks, prevent the occurrence of risks associated with the implementation of these duties

Working mode


Official salary

based on the results of the interview

Place of work

Astana / Esil district, st. Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar, 3

Contact details

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for resume)

+7(7172) 70-29-74

+7 705 103 15 87



Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) medical education in the specialty "Nursing" (or retraining in the specialty "Nursing") or higher medical education in the specialty "General Medicine", bachelor's degree in "General Medicine", "Nursing"


"certificate of specialist "Nursing", it is desirable to have a qualification category


no work experience requirement

Competences and skills

systems thinking,

ability to work both independently and in a team

well-developed written and oral communication skills

Job Responsibilities

1) compliance with the Regulations of the Center;

2) perform functional duties in accordance with the Regulations on departments and job descriptions;

3) observe labor and performance discipline;

4) take duty at the patient's bedside according to the DISCUSSION scheme (situation, prerequisite, examination, recommendations);

5) check the presence of identification bracelets in patients;

6) check the equipment, consumables necessary for the use and functioning of the department during the provision of medical services;

7) observe safety precautions when working with equipment;

8) correct connection of mechanical and electrical equipment;

9) conduct testing of medical equipment for serviceability, with an entry in the medical equipment testing sheet, in case of equipment malfunction, inform the head nurse of the department;

10) when carrying out invasive procedures, comply with the standards of operating procedures (hereinafter referred to as SOPs) relating to specific job responsibilities, without any deviations;

11) carry out all stages of the nursing process when caring for patients (initial assessment of the patient's condition, interpret the data obtained, plan care together with the patient, implement nursing care, conduct a final assessment of what has been achieved);

12) provide holistic patient care consistent with individual preferences, values and needs and respect the patient or their legal representative as a full partner in providing compassionate, coordinated, age and culturally appropriate, safe and effective care;

13) assess the patient's pain according to the location, type, intensity, nature and duration, when providing assistance, put a mark on the pain assessment sheet;

15) timely and accurately fulfill the appointments of the attending physician: in case of failure to comply with the appointments, regardless of the reason, immediately report this to the attending physician;

16) other duties in accordance with the tasks and functions of the department, instructions of the management of the Center.

Working mode

according to the shift schedule

Official salary

based on the results of the interview

Place of work

Astana / Esil district, st. Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar, 3

Contact details

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for resume)

+7(7172) 70-29-74

+7 705 103 15 87




Secondary general (secondary special) education


Having no contraindications to work in a medical institution


no work experience requirement

Competences and skills

systems thinking,

ability to work both independently and in a team

well-developed written and oral communication skills

Job Responsibilities

performance of functional duties in accordance with the Regulations on the department and job description;

observance of labor and performance discipline;

conscientiously perform labor duties stipulated by the employment contract;

take and hand over duty in the wards at the patient's bedside;

taking duty, inspect all premises of the department, the state of electric lighting, the presence of liquid soap, hand sanitizer;

monitors the implementation by patients and their relatives of the daily routine in the department. Report cases of violation of the regimen to the nurse on duty and, if possible, to the head nurse of the department;

as necessary, change bed linen for patients, prepare the bed for hospitalization of patients in the department, process mattresses in accordance with the approved "Algorithm for processing mattresses";

perform hygienic care of the patient: wiping and washing the patient, supplying the vessel so that the patient can go to the toilet, supplying trays when vomiting, disposing of the biomaterial, show the contents to the nurse before disposing of the biomaterial, changing underwear;

to feed the patient from the already available cooked food. The frequency and amount of food intake is determined by the attending physician. If necessary, heat food for the patient;

together with a nurse, perform a set of measures and procedures that are aimed at eliminating bedsores;

together with the nurse, transport patients to the wards, for diagnostic studies, to / from the operating unit, etc.;

if necessary, ventilate the rooms;

if a deterioration in the patient's condition is detected, immediately inform the nurse on duty or any medical personnel (doctor, resident, head nurse);

perform other duties in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Working mode

according to the shift schedule

Official salary

based on the results of the interview

Place of work

Nur-Sultan / Esil district, st. Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar, 3

Contact details

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for resume)

+7(7172) 70-29-74

+7 705 103 15 87


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+7(7172) 70-29-74

+7(7172) 70-29-20

Compliance service

  • No. 35 On approval of the Anti-Corruption Standard
  • No. 36 On approval of the Rules for conducting anti-corruption monitoring
  • Order on the creation of an anti-corruption compliance service.
  • Regulations on anti-corruption compliance service.
  • Order "On amendments to the order dated March 09, 2021 No. 70-OД"

NROC LLP activity report for 2020

  • Analysis of corruption risks of NROC in terms of disbursement of funds until August 2021
  • Analysis of corruption risks of NROC in the field of medical care until August 2021
  • Reference for 10 months compliance service

Composition of the compliance service

Information and explanatory work was carried out for the staff of the National Research Oncology Center.

More details can be found here.

Seminar-meeting on combating corruption was held at the NROC (March 2)

Helpline of the anti-corruption compliance service of NROC LLP: 8(7172) 702-888.

Internal 10-89.

Mob.: 8(701)185-17-40.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

наши врачи

Head of the department - Kerimbekova Gulzhan Rakhimzhanovna, doctor of the highest qualification category, work experience of 15 years.

Goals and objectives of the department:

Purpose: implementation of specialized high-tech consulting and diagnostic activities using laboratory diagnostic methods.


- carrying out round-the-clock emergency and scheduled diagnostics of the main parameters: general clinical, hematological, cytological, biochemical and immunological studies using the most effective, timely methods and technologies of laboratory diagnostics;

- introduction of new and improvement of existing methods of laboratory diagnostics, improvement of the quality and competitiveness of services provided, their compliance with state and international standards.

List of laboratory services

B02.111.002 - General blood test (UAC) on an analyzer with differentiation of 3 classes of cells

B02.531.001- Calculation of myelogram and characteristics of bone marrow hematopoiesis by manual method

B02.532.001 - Counting of reticulocytes in the blood by manual method

B02.534.001 - Counting of platelets in the blood by manual method

B02.528.001 - Calculation of the leukoformula in the blood by manual method

B02.061.001 - Measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in the blood by manual method

B01.077.002 - The study of the general analysis of urine on the analyzer (physico-chemical properties with the calculation of the number of cellular elements of the urinary sediment)

B01.077.001 - Urine examination is general clinical (general urine analysis) by manual method

B01.300.002 - Determination of protein in urine (quantitatively) on the analyzer

B01.479.002 - Determination of daily proteinuria in urine on an analyzer

B01.089.001 -The study of transudates and exudates is a general clinical manual method

B01.080.001 - The study of the urogenital smear is general clinical. by manual method

B01.091.001 - Research of biological material for demodecosis by manual method

B01.458.001 - Determination of the degree of purity of a gynecological smear by manual method

B01.005.001 - Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko by manual method

B01.004.001 - Urine analysis by Zimnitsky manual method

B01.087.001 - Examination of cerebrospinal fluid by general clinical manual method

B06.681.012 - Formulation of microprecipitation reaction with cardiolipin antigen in blood serum by manual method

Acid-base balance of blood (KSHS)

B03.348.002 - Determination of potassium (K) in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.347.002 - Determination of potassium (K) in urine on an analyzer

B03.352.002 - Determination of calcium (Ca) in urine on an analyzer

B03.353.002 - Determination of calcium (Ca) in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.388.002 - Determination of sodium (Na) in urine on the analyzer

B03.389.002 - Determination of sodium (Na) in blood serum on the analyzer

Biochemical blood analysis:

B03.115.002 - Determination of "C" reactive protein (CRP) in blood serum quantitatively

B03.397.002 - Determination of total protein in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.386.002 - Determination of urea in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.387.002 - Determination of uric acid in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.363.002 - Determination of creatinine in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.362.002 - Determination of creatinine in urine on the analyzer

B03.335.002 - Determination of glucose in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.398.002 - Determination of total bilirubin in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.435.002 - Determination of direct bilirubin in blood serum on an analyzer

B03.155.002- Determination of alanine aminotransferase (ALaT) in blood serum on an analyzer

B03.293.002 - Determination of aspartate aminotransferase (ASaT) in blood serum on an analyzer

B03.160.002 - Determination of pancreatic amylase in blood serum on an analyzer

B03.316.002 - Determination of gammaglutamyltranspeptidase (GGTP) in blood serum on an analyzer

B03.526.002 - Determination of alkaline phosphatase in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.156.002 - Determination of albumin in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.340.002 - Determination of iron (Fe) in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.367.002 - Determination of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in blood serum on an analyzer

B03.401.002 - Determination of total cholesterol in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.486.002 - Determination of triglycerides in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.488.002 - Determination of troponin in blood serum on the analyzer

B03.538.002 - Rehberg test on the analyzer



B04.379.002 - Determination of the prothrombin time (PV) followed by calculation of the prothrombin index (PTI) and the international normalized ratio (INR) in the plasma

B04.149.002 - Determination of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) in blood plasma on the analyzer

B04.501.002 - Determination of fibrinogen in blood plasma on the analyzer

B04.313.001 - Determination of blood clotting time by manual method

B04.311.001 -Determination of bleeding time by manual method

Doctors and laboratory specialists


Full name


Work experience


Yelemesova Nazym Muratovna

Laboratory Doctor

30 years


Kozlova Maria Vladimirovna

Laboratory Doctor

22 years


Kozhakhmetova Asia Shakenovna

Laboratory Doctor

36 years


Syzdykova Dinara Bekakhmetova

Laboratory Doctor

15 years


Abdullina Sayagul Nartayevna

Laboratory Doctor

9 years


Suyunova Ayagoz Bakytzhanovna

Laboratory Specialist

15 years


Kashkenova Bibinur

Laboratory Specialist

9 years


Берликенова Алмагуль Ешмухамбетовна

Senior Laboratory Assistant

30 years


Hulala Ira

Laboratory assistant

20 years


Kydyrova Aisha Rakhmanovna

Laboratory assistant

30 years


Ryspaeva Kymbat Urumbaevna

Laboratory assistant

26 years


Zhusupova Zubaira Zholdasovna

Laboratory assistant

35 years


Aynamkul Fariza

Laboratory assistant

1 year


Working hours: 24/7

Consultation on laboratory services: +7 (7172) 701-640

Call center: +7(7172) 702-911


9. Зав центра сосудистой хирургии Сагындыков Ирлан Нигметжанович

Head of the Vascular Surgery Center - Sagandykov Irlan Nigmetzhanovich, angiosurgeon of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honorary Professor of the National Scientific Oncology Center

The Vascular Surgery Center is a medical and diagnostic unit, which annually performs more than 800 operations on various vascular basins.

Medical staff:

  • Suleimenov Serik Sarsenkanovich – vascular surgeon of the highest qualification category, Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • Akzhigitova Meruert Turuspekovna – vascular surgeon of the second qualification category
  • Yerbol Kairatbekovich Dogalbayev – vascular surgeon of the second qualification category
  • Dzhusubaliev Yerbol Irikovich – vascular surgeon of the second qualification category

Functions of the Vascular Surgery Center:

  • Implementation of diagnostics and treatment of various vascular diseases at the most modern level
  • The most complex surgical interventions are performed in the pathology of the aorta and main arteries. In addition, the vascular surgery center provides full assistance to patients with pathology of the venous system

Main types of services:

The Vascular surgery center provides diagnostics, prevention and treatment of vascular diseases:

  • Diagnosis of pathology of arteries supplying blood to the brain (atherosclerotic stenosis, pathological tortuosity, aneurysmal dilation, nonspecific aorto-arteritis)
  • Neck chemodectomy – diagnostics, surgical interventions
  • Diagnosis and treatment of upper limb arteries (stenosis, Raynaud's disease)
  • Diagnosis and treatment (including endoprosthetics) of the thoracic and abdominal aorta
  • Diagnosis and treatment of stenotic lesions of the visceral branches of the aorta
  • Surgical interventions (including endovascular) for renal (renovascular) hypertension
  • Comprehensive examination and treatment of patients with nonspecific aorto-arteritis (Takayasu's disease)
  • Diagnostics and surgical interventions (including endovascular) in atherosclerotic lesions of the iliac arteries and arteries of the lower extremities
  • Surgical interventions for aneurysms of the main vessels
  • Treatment of patients with critical limb ischemia, operations of arterialization of venous blood flow of the foot
  • Varicose veins – diagnostics, minimally invasive surgery, sclerotherapy
  • Diagnosis and treatment of limb lymphedema
  • Formation of vascular access for hemodialysis

Contacts for communication: 8(7172)702-900

Call center: 8(7172)702-911.

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