Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

NROC LLP defines the following procedure for providing relatives and friends of patients with information about the health status of patients undergoing inpatient treatment:

  1. Provision of information about the state of health of a patient undergoing inpatient treatment to NROC LLP is carried out only to persons specified by the patient or his legal representative.
  2. Information about the patient's health status to persons to whom the patient or his legal representative has consented to receive information may be provided by the attending physician, operating surgeon, head of the department, resuscitator or head of the intensive care unit while the patient is in the intensive care unit.
  3. The provision of information is carried out by phone at the doctor's office (if the patient indicates your phone number in the data questionnaire) or in person - after the provision of identity documents and their verification with the data indicated by the patient or his legal representative in consent to the transfer of data .
  4. You can contact the residency services by calling the reference number +7 (7172) 70-29-70 from 08.00 to 19:00 every day. Also, to obtain information about the patient's condition, you can personally come to the National Research and Educational Center at the address: Astana, Kerey-Zhanibek Khandar street, 3.

The list of medical care in the system of compulsory social health insurance

Approved by the Decree of the Government

of the Republic of Kazakhstan

dated June 20, 2019 No. 421

List of medical care in the system of compulsory social health insurance

Footnote. The list as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10/16/2020 No. 673 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Medical care in the system of compulsory social health insurance includes:

Specialized medical care on an outpatient basis:

1) preventive medical examinations in the manner and at the intervals determined by the authorized body, with the exception of preventive examinations within the guaranteed volume of free medical care (hereinafter referred to as the GBMP);

2) reception and consultations by specialized specialists, as well as the services of a mobile team at home for diseases that cause a deterioration in the epidemiological situation in the country and in cases of suspicion of them;

3) dynamic observation by specialized specialists of persons with chronic diseases in the manner and at intervals established by the authorized body;

4) provision of dental care in emergency and planned form to certain categories of the population according to the list approved by the authorized body;

5) diagnostic services, including laboratory diagnostics;

6) procedures and manipulations according to the list determined by the authorized body.

Specialized, including high-tech, medical care in hospital-replacing conditions (with the exception of cases of treatment of diseases within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care); as well as home hospital services for diseases causing deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the country and in cases of suspicion of them.

Specialized, including high-tech, medical care in stationary conditions:

1) in a planned form, with the exception of cases of treatment of diseases within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care;

2) in an emergency form, including carrying out medical and diagnostic measures in the emergency department of a round-the-clock hospital, with the exception of cases of treatment of diseases within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care.

Medical rehabilitation in the manner and according to the list of diseases determined by the authorized body.

Pathological anatomical diagnostics in the provision of specialized medical care in outpatient, inpatient and inpatient settings.

Preparation of a post-mortem donor for the removal of organs (parts of organs) and (or) tissues (parts of tissue), removal, conservation, procurement, storage, transportation of organs (parts of organs) and (or) tissues (parts of tissue) in the order and according to the list of diseases, determined by the authorized body.

Provision of medicines, medical devices, specialized medical products, immunobiological preparations in the provision of:

1) specialized, including high-tech, medical care in inpatient and hospital-replacing conditions in accordance with the medicinal formularies of healthcare organizations;

2) primary health care and specialized medical care on an outpatient basis in accordance with the list of medicines, medical devices approved by the authorized body for certain categories of citizens with certain diseases (conditions).

Information source:

Approved by the Decree of the Government

of the Republic of Kazakhstan

dated June 20, 2019 No. 421

List of medical care in the system of compulsory social health insurance

Footnote. The list as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10/16/2020 No. 673 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Medical care in the system of compulsory social health insurance includes:

Specialized medical care on an outpatient basis:

1) preventive medical examinations in the manner and at the intervals determined by the authorized body, with the exception of preventive examinations within the guaranteed volume of free medical care (hereinafter referred to as the GBMP);

2) reception and consultations by specialized specialists, as well as the services of a mobile team at home for diseases that cause a deterioration in the epidemiological situation in the country and in cases of suspicion of them;

3) dynamic observation by specialized specialists of persons with chronic diseases in the manner and at intervals established by the authorized body;

4) provision of dental care in emergency and planned form to certain categories of the population according to the list approved by the authorized body;

5) diagnostic services, including laboratory diagnostics;

6) procedures and manipulations according to the list determined by the authorized body.

Specialized, including high-tech, medical care in hospital-replacing conditions (with the exception of cases of treatment of diseases within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care); as well as home hospital services for diseases causing deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the country and in cases of suspicion of them.

Specialized, including high-tech, medical care in stationary conditions:

1) in a planned form, with the exception of cases of treatment of diseases within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care;

2) in an emergency form, including carrying out medical and diagnostic measures in the emergency department of a round-the-clock hospital, with the exception of cases of treatment of diseases within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care.

Medical rehabilitation in the manner and according to the list of diseases determined by the authorized body.

Pathological anatomical diagnostics in the provision of specialized medical care in outpatient, inpatient and inpatient settings.

Preparation of a post-mortem donor for the removal of organs (parts of organs) and (or) tissues (parts of tissue), removal, conservation, procurement, storage, transportation of organs (parts of organs) and (or) tissues (parts of tissue) in the order and according to the list of diseases, determined by the authorized body.

Provision of medicines, medical devices, specialized medical products, immunobiological preparations in the provision of:

1) specialized, including high-tech, medical care in inpatient and hospital-replacing conditions in accordance with the medicinal formularies of healthcare organizations;

2) primary health care and specialized medical care on an outpatient basis in accordance with the list of medicines, medical devices approved by the authorized body for certain categories of citizens with certain diseases (conditions).

Information source:

Renal cancer is a malignant tumor of the kidney, which is most often a carcinoma and develops either from the epithelium of the proximal tubules and collecting ducts, or from the epithelium of the pelvicalyceal system.

In Kazakhstan, in the structure of morbidity, kidney cancer occupies the 8th place, more than 1200 cases of malignant neoplasms are detected annually for the first time in life, and mortality is more than 300 cases.

Causes of the disease and risk factors:

Age. More often it is diagnosed in people aged 50-70 years - Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Inherited gene mutations can increase the chance of developing kidney cancer.

Gender. Men are twice as likely to develop kidney cancer than women.

Exposure to chemicals. Some chemicals - asbestos, cadmium, organic solvents - can significantly increase the risk of developing kidney cancer.

Long-term dialysis. Patients on long-term dialysis may develop cysts in the kidneys, which can contribute to the development of kidney cancer.

Smoking. The risk of developing kidney cancer in smokers is 2 times higher than in non-smokers.

Overweight. Eating high-calorie foods that contribute to obesity leads to an increased risk of getting sick.

The presence of risk factors does not necessarily mean that a kidney tumor will appear, but it increases the likelihood.

Symptoms of kidney cancer:

In the early stages, symptoms may not appear. It should be noted the symptoms of kidney cancer, which may indirectly indicate a possible disease:

hematuria (blood in the urine);

the presence of swelling in the lumbar region, which can be detected by probing;

deterioration in general condition, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite;

increase in body temperature;

swelling of the legs;


causeless increase in blood pressure;

pain in the kidney area.

In a few tens of percent of cases, kidney cancer does not show symptoms in any way and is detected quite by accident - during a preventive examination or an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs (ultrasound) for some other disease. Only an experienced specialist can detect the disease at an early stage or confirm its absence.


When diagnosing kidney cancer, the following research methods are used:

ultrasound, which helps to distinguish a tumor from another formation;

x-ray diagnostics: radiography (including renal angiography, urography, etc.);

CT scan;

laboratory tests of blood and urine.

In difficult cases, when other studies are not informative, the latest PET-CT examination method is used for diagnosis.

It should be noted that tumor biopsy is contraindicated, as it can provoke the spread of the disease.

Doctor's recommendations for the prevention of kidney cancer:

The main prevention of the disease is to give up bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol abuse. Also, if possible, avoid contact with chemicals (asbestos, cadmium, etc.). Adhere to the basic rules of a healthy diet, an active lifestyle.

If you have any suspicions or want to be examined in our clinic, please call the Call Center 8(7172)702-911. Here, you can get qualified advice from urologists, surgical oncologists and transplantologists, as well as the full range of diagnostic services and the definition of treatment tactics.

I would like to once again say a big thank you to the staff of the National Cancer Research Center and express my sincere gratitude to the entire Department of Cardiology and especially the Department of interventional radiosurgery of this center - in the person of its head, Viktor Viktorovich Zemlyansky.

Information is expected

Information is expected

Information is expected

Information is expected

Head of the department - Alimova Zaure Rakhmankulovna

The main task of the department is to organize a set of measures aimed at the introduction and development of information systems of the NROC.


Department functions:

  • develops projects for the development of information systems, action plans for the implementation and development of information systems of the Center;
  • prepares proposals to ensure compliance of information systems development projects with the strategic documents of the Center and the Concept of e-health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • conducts marketing analysis of information systems for the new building of the "National Scientific Cancer Center" under construction in Astana;
  • develops presentation materials and drafts of regulatory documentation for the development of the Center's information systems in terms of e-health;
  • develops requirements for information systems and participates in the preparation of project documentation for the implementation and development of information systems necessary for the digitalization of the Center's business processes;
  • conducts a set of measures for the implementation of information systems in the Center according to the plans for the implementation and development of information systems together with system suppliers.

Department composition:

  • Albekova Dinara Mukhametzhanovna - Chief Specialist;
  • Moldabekova Dina Zhannarovna - Chief Specialist;
  • Tulegenova Nurgul Kupzhanovna - chief specialist.

Contacts: +7 7172 70-29-00 (ext. 1627)

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