Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

burkitbaevBurkitbaev Zhandos Konysovich

Chairman of the Board of the National Research Oncology Center.

Kulkaeva Gulnar Utepbergenovna

First Deputy Chairman of the Board.

БайпеисовBaypeisov Daulet Mukhametkalievich

Deputy Chairman of the Board for strategic development and innovation.

СатыбаевSatybaev Kanat Syzdykovich

Deputy Chairman of the Board for administrative and financial work.

Мукажанов Адильбек КаирбековичMukazhanov Adilbek Kairbekovich

Managing Director of medical activities.



For hospitalization in the National research cancer center (hereinafter-NRCC) under state order, within the Guaranteed volume of free medical care (hereinafter-GVFMC), citizens must apply to the polyclinic to the attending physician at the place of residence.

For hospitalization, the attending physician sends an extract from the patient's outpatient card to the NRCC specialist by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to coordinate and determine the level of medical care.

There are two levels of care:

  1. Specialized medical care (hereinafter-SMC)
  2. High-tech medical service (hereinafter -HTMS)

The decision of the issue on hospitalization may take some time and will depend on the severity of the patient's condition, the complexity of surgical intervention and the completeness of the outpatient examination. In complicated cases, you may need internal consultation of the patient in the NRCC.

In case of referral for receiving – SMC the doctor registers citizens through the Portal "Bureau of hospitalization" and issues referral and coupon for hospitalization with indication of date.

In case of referral for treatment by HTMS, registration is carried out by the Regional Commission, which issues citizens a referral for hospitalization (quota), using the Portal "Bureau of hospitalization"

At hospitalization it is necessary to have the following types of documents:

  1. Identity document (identity card/passport/birth certificate);
  2. Referral for hospitalization with the seal and signature of the first head of the medical organization referred for hospitalization
  3. Coupon for hospitalization with the Code of the Portal of hospitalization;
  4. A detailed extract from the medical record, including the original results of laboratory and clinical studies (shelf life of 10-14 days).
  5. The original referral of the Regional Commission for highly specialized medical care, The Code of the Portal "Bureau of hospitalization" (for citizens hospitalized for receiving HSMC;

National research cancer center offers hospitalization to the hospital on a paid basis.

For patients the following options of hospital stay are possible:


Day hospital is one of the structural units of NRCC, designed to stay patients who do not need round-the-clock monitoring of their condition and supervision of medical personnel. Patients receive all the necessary range of examinations and treatment activities during the day, and then go home.

As a full-fledged department of the NRCC, the day hospital has full access to all the possibilities available to the Center of medical, diagnostic, advisory and rehabilitation units.

The round-the-clock hospital is designed for round-the-clock stay of patients, continuous monitoring and providing them with the necessary medical care.

The following options of hospital stay are possible:

  • in single and double rooms with all amenities (refrigerator, TV, safe, toilet, shower, personal hygiene products), with five meals a day.

Patients have access to the full range of services of the Center in the optimal time.

At your service – consultations:

  • surgeon (abdominal, hepatobiliary, thoracic);
  • surgeon-oncologist;
  • therapist;
  • traumatologist-orthopedist, osteo-oncologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • mammologist;
  • proctologist, oncoproctologist;
  • urologist, oncourologist;
  • neurologist;
  • gynecologist, oncogynecologist;
  • cardiologist, arrhythmologist;
  • hematologist, oncohematologist;
  • angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon);
  • otolaryngologist;
  • plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
  • and other necessary specialists of the Center.

It is possible to develop an individual rehabilitation program, diagnostics on modern devices of computer and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound devices of expert class.

When hospitalization it is necessary to have the following types of documents:

  1. Identity document (identity card/passport/birth certificate);
  2. A detailed extract from medical documents, including the results of laboratory and clinical studies (shelf life of 10-14 days) (if possible).

In case of additional questions, You can get all the necessary information by reference phone: +7 (7172) 70-28-98.

Rules for the identification of patients:

  1. In the emergency department, the medical staff, when registering a hospital patient, fixes the patient's identification bracelet on the hand, which indicates:
    a) surname, name, patronymic (full);
    b) date, month and year of birth.
  2. Identification is mandatory before performing all medical and diagnostic procedures (appointment, taking material for examination, transfusion of blood and its components, injection, puncture, ligation, surgery).
  3. Make sure that the medical staff during the procedures carried out Identification by:
    a) oral questioning of the patient's full name and date of birth;
    b) verification with bracelet data;
    c) verification with data from medical records.
  4. When performing medical procedures, receiving intramuscular / intravenous injections, pay attention to the fact that on vials, syringes for infusion of medicines, a sticker should be pasted, where indicated:
    a) surname, name, patronymic (full);
    b) date, month and year of birth;
    с) date and time of preparation.
  5. If you are allergic to the bracelet, ask the medical staff to replace Your bracelet with a badge. Do not lose and always carry with you an identification bracelet (badge). Under any circumstances, the medical staff must require the presence of an identification bracelet.
  6. If the bracelet is lost or damaged, the nurse of the department orders a duplicate in the emergency department as soon as possible. During the absence of the bracelet the patient's full name And date of birth are interviewed orally and checked with medical documentation.
  7. When the patient is discharged, the nurse of the department removes the bracelet from the patient. 

Patient identification rules:

  1. In the admission department, when registering an inpatient, the medical staff fixes a patient identification bracelet on their arm, which indicates:
  2. a) Last name, first name, patronymic (in full);
  3. b) Day, month and year of birth.
  4. Identification is obligatory before performing all medical and diagnostic procedures (fulfilling the appointment, taking material for research, transfusion of blood and its components, injection, puncture, dressing, operation).
  5. Make sure that the medical personnel, when performing procedures, perform Identification by:
  6. a) Oral questioning and date of birth of the patient;
  7. b) Verification with bracelet data;
  8. c) Reconciliation with the data of medical records.
  9. When performing medical procedures, receiving intramuscular / intravenous injections, pay attention to the fact that vials, syringes for infusion administration of drugs should have a sticker on them, which indicates:
  10. a) Last name, first name, patronymic (in full);
  11. b) Day, month and year of birth;
  12. c) Date and time of preparation.
  13. If you are allergic to the bracelet, ask the medical staff to replace your bracelet with a badge. Do not lose and always carry an identification bracelet (badge) with you. Under all circumstances, medical staff should require an identification bracelet.
  14. If the bracelet is lost or damaged, the nurse of the department orders a duplicate in the emergency department as soon as possible. During the absence of a bracelet in the patient, F.I.O. and date of birth are interviewed orally and checked against medical records.
  15. When the patient is discharged, the nurse of the department removes the bracelet from the patient.

The procedure for hospitalization on a paid basis

The National Research Oncology Center offers hospitalization on a paid basis.

For patients, the following options for inpatient stay are possible:


The day hospital is one of the structural subdivisions of the NROC, intended for the stay of patients who do not need round-the-clock monitoring of their condition and supervision of medical personnel. Patients receive all the necessary range of examinations and therapeutic measures during the day, after which they go home.

Being a full-fledged department of the NROC, the day hospital has full access to all the possibilities available to the Center for treatment, diagnostic, consultative, and rehabilitation units.

The round-the-clock hospital is designed for round-the-clock stay of patients, continuous monitoring and providing them with the necessary medical care.

The following hospitalization options are available:

in single and double rooms with all amenities (refrigerator, TV, safe, toilet, shower, personal hygiene products), with five meals a day.

Patients have access to the full range of services of the Center in optimal terms.

At your service - consultations:

surgeon (abdominal, hepatobiliary, thoracic);



traumatologist-orthopedist, osteo-oncologist;



proctologist, oncoproctologist;

urologist, oncourologist;


gynecologist, oncogynecologist;

cardiologist, arrhythmologist;

hematologist, oncohematologist;

angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon);


reconstructive plastic surgeon.

and other necessary specialists of the Center.

It is possible to develop an individual rehabilitation program, diagnostics on modern devices of computer and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonic devices of an expert class.

You can download detailed information and the List of documents required for hospitalization of patients for inpatient treatment at National Research Oncology Center LLP here.

If you have additional questions, you can get all the necessary information by calling the reference phone: +7 (7172) 702-900 or +7 (7172) 702-911.

Contacts of the Multidisciplinary Paid Department:

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call-center: + 7 717 2 70 29 11 (internal 1429, 1352, 1457, 1094, 1287),

  + 7 708 425 0647

Our address: Astana, st. Zhanibek Kereykhanov 3, National Research Oncology Center, 5th floor, block C

For hospitalization in the National Research Oncology Center (hereinafter - NROC) under the state order, within the Guaranteed Volume of Free Medical Care, citizens need to contact the clinic to the attending physician at the place of residence.

For hospitalization, the attending physician sends an extract from the patient's outpatient card to the NROC specialist by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for coordination and determination of the level of medical care.

There are two levels of care:

Specialized medical care (hereinafter referred to as SMP)
High-tech medical service (hereinafter referred to as HTMS)

The decision on hospitalization may take some time and will depend on the severity of the patient's condition, the complexity of the surgical intervention and the completeness of the outpatient follow-up examination. In complex cases, a face-to-face consultation of the patient in the conditions of the NROC may be required.

When referring to receive - SMP, the doctor registers citizens through the Portal "Bureau of Hospitalization" and issues a referral and a coupon for hospitalization indicating the date.

When referring for treatment according to HTMS, registration is carried out by the Regional Commission, which issues a referral for hospitalization (quota) to citizens using the Hospitalization Bureau Portal.

You can download detailed information and the List of documents required for hospitalization of patients for inpatient treatment at the National Research Oncology Center LLP here.

If you have any additional questions, you can get all the necessary information by phone: 8(7172) 702-946 (ext. 1262).

Национальный научный онкологический центр является многопрофильной клиникой, работающей по следующим направлениям:


  • трансплантология;
  • гематология / онкогематология;
  • гепатология и гастроэнтерология;
  • кардиология;
  • неврология;
  • гинекология;
  • терапия;
  • хирургия;
  • реконструктивная хирургия;
  • интервенционная хирургия;
  • ортопедия;
  • урология;
  • нефрология;
  • мамология;
  • ангиохирургия;
  • оториноларингология;
  • эндоскопия (ФГДС, колоноскопия, ФБС, РХПГ, ЭПСТ);
  • ультразвуковая и функциональная диагностика (УЗИ, ЭХОКГ, ЭКГ, ЭЭГ);
  • лучевая диагностика (КТ, МРТ, рентген);
  • ЛФК.

В условиях многопрофильного хирургического стационара наличие такого конгломерата высококлассных специалистов в своей области и инновационных технологий обеспечивает возможность осуществлять полный спектр диагностики и лечения широкого круга заболеваний.

На базе нашего Центра осуществляет свою деятельность клинико-диагностический центр. Здесь вы можете пройти полное обследование и получить развернутую информацию о состоянии своего здоровья, рекомендации  по поддержанию здоровья. При необходимости Вам будут назначены профилактические, оздоровительные, лечебные или другие мероприятия, включая специализированную высокотехнологическую медпомощь и лечение как стационарно, так и амбулаторно.

Вы можете получить всю необходимую информацию и назначить удобное время посещения врача по телефону: 8 (7172) 702 -911, 8 (7172) 702 -900.


struktura en

Mission: Reducing morbidity and mortality from cancer by increasing access to high-tech methods of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors with the relevant international standards.

Vision: A leading research center in the field of oncology in the countries of the Central Asian region, with exemplary infrastructure and integration of research, clinical and educational practices.

Main tasks:

  1. Research in the field of oncology.
  2. Providing cancer care in accordance with international standards.
  3. Development and implementation of personalized methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
  4. Coordination and monitoring of oncology service development.
  5. Capacity building and training of human resources in oncology service.

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