Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. In the later stages, when there are already symptoms of the disease and there is a possibility of spread of the tumor, the treatment of the disease becomes more complicated. Therefore, detection and treatment of a tumor at an early stage, before it spreads, is the most effective way to reduce mortality from malignant neoplasms.
It often happens that the tumor is not always detected in the early stages, since the early course of the disease is asymptomatic, the patient does not feel changes in his state of health and does not go to the doctors for examination.
It is important to emphasize that screening does not mean that cancer is suspected. It is carried out for preventive purposes among a healthy population for the timely detection of possible neoplasms.
Oncological disease is a risk factor associated with a threat to health and life, and as a rule it happens unexpectedly, we can say that a person finds himself in an extreme situation, and not all people can cope with it.
Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. In the later stages, when there are already symptoms of the disease and there is a possibility of spread of the tumor, the treatment of the disease becomes more complicated. Therefore, detection and treatment of a tumor at an early stage, before it spreads, is the most effective way to reduce mortality from malignant neoplasms.
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Национальный научный онкологический центр объявляет о начале приема заявок на обучение по программам резидентуры на 2022-2023 год по направлениям:
We are glad to inform you that we have a new payment method.
Now you can pay for medical services (paid) received at the NROC using Kaspi QR, safely, conveniently and simply!
В реконструктивной хирургии остаются только идейные люди. Один из них – Бауржан Анапия. Он мог бы спокойно работать пластическим хирургом в частной клинике и зарабатывать большие деньги, но стремится вывести это направление медицины в Казахстане на совершенно новый уровень. Говорит, что будущее уже наступило. Наш герой имеет патент на изобретение и внедрение электронной системы расчета площади поражения кожи.
A meeting with Korean colleagues from Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital on the launch of a pilot project on capsule endoscopy using artificial intelligence is being held on May 16-18 at the NROC.
An Open Day dedicated to early diagnosis of thyroid diseases will be held on May 21 at the Clinical Diagnostic Center of the National Research Oncology Center in Nur-Sultan. On this day, you can get advice from leading oncoendocrinologists of the Center, as well as undergo ultrasound diagnostics.
From April 11 to 22, Irlan Sagandykov, head of the NROC Center for Vascular Surgery, left for the regions on a business trip. Visited 5 cities: Kostanay, Kokshetau, Uralsk, Atyrau, Aktau.
Гепатит жұқпалары бүкіл әлемде таралған. Көптеген елдерде инфекцияның таралуы туралы деректер жоқ. Дегенмен, бағалау бойынша жарты миллиард адам В немесе С гепатиті созылмалы вирусын жұқтырған. Мұндай созылмалы инфекциялар бауыр циррозы жағдайларының 57% - ға және бауырдың алғашқы обырының 78% - ға әкеп соқтырады.