Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

An Open Day dedicated to early diagnosis of thyroid diseases will be held on May 21 at the Clinical Diagnostic Center of the National Research Oncology Center in Nur-Sultan. On this day, you can get advice from leading oncoendocrinologists of the Center, as well as undergo ultrasound diagnostics.


Today, thyroid cancer is one of the most common malignancies of the endocrine system. Every year in the world it is detected in almost 122 thousand people, and in our country - in 612. The disease can be diagnosed at any age, but in most cases it affects people over 30 years, and women get sick about 2-3 times more often than men.

Thyroid cancer, like other malignant processes, at the initial stage is completely asymptomatic and is detected by chance in the form of a node in the thyroid gland during ultrasound. Today, this method of diagnosis is considered the most accurate. With its help it is possible to estimate even the smallest changes in structure of a thyroid gland. This is why early diagnosis is so important to prevent the development of a serious malignancy.

The open day will be held from 09.00 to 13.00 at the address: Nur-Sultan, st. Kerey, Janibek Khandar, 3 (entrance from the polyclinic) and phenomena by the time of his reception.

It is necessary to have an identity card and the results of previous examinations (if any).

Preliminary registration by Call Center number: 8 (7172) 702-901, 702-900.

PR office

of the NROC,

tel. 8778-700-43 24