Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

On November 15, in the assembly hall of the National Research Oncology Center (NROC), during the plenary meeting, issues of combating corruption discussed with the participation of the First Deputy Chairman of the Board Kanat Satybayev, as well as the Chairman of the Board, heads of structural divisions and heads of clinical departments of the Center.

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The meeting discussed issues of monitoring the anti-corruption compliance service and the implementation of a comprehensive plan for the formation of an anti-corruption culture among NROC health workers.

In his speech, Kanat Satybayev dwelled on the key areas of the anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 and the implementation of the anti-corruption action plan in the NROC for 10 months of 2021.

The center received 7 appeals (complaints), 5 meetings were held on them to analyze complaints, 30 protocol decisions were made. Execution was 90%. All appeals related to the provision of medical assistance, there are no complaints about corruption.

When monitoring social networks, the NROC website, and other information agencies, no complaints, negative comments, or complaints on anti-corruption issues were not received.

Call-center phones receive about 200-250 calls every day. During this period, no information was received about the unit or facts of corruption risks. Also, no calls were received on the phone of the compliance service.

The NROC constantly monitors public procurement, no violations affecting the results have been identified.

4 meetings of the disciplinary commission were held, 8 disciplinary sanctions were imposed, but no facts of violation of the code of business ethics were revealed.

news 1611 2“During the internal analysis of corruption risks in organizational and managerial activities and the application of regulatory legal acts, as well as the implementation of medical activities, the reasons and conditions conducive to the commission of corruption offenses were not identified,” summed up Kanat Satybayev, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the NROC.

Work in this direction continues on an ongoing basis.


Антикоррупционная комплаенс-служба 10 мес.