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Myeloma (plasma cell cancer) is a malignant blood disease that occurs due to a malfunction of the plasma cells in the bone marrow. Plasma cells are present in both blood and bone marrow.

Healthy plasma cells help fight infections by producing antibodies that recognize and attack germs.

In multiple myeloma, cancerous plasma cells build up in the bone marrow and crowd out healthy blood cells. Instead of making useful antibodies, cancer cells produce abnormal proteins that can cause complications.

Multiple myeloma is one of the most common diseases in oncohematology, the second most common tumor of the hematopoietic system. More often people get sick in old age. Cases before the age of 40 are rare. The incidence of multiple myeloma in the world is 3:100,000 population per year. Men get sick a little more often.

Causes of the disease and risk factors:

The cause of multiple myeloma of the blood or multiple myeloma of the bones has not been determined. The most common today is the virus-genetic theory. Based on it, special viruses are introduced into the human body, which, getting into immature bone marrow cells, provoke the division of the latter. The hereditary role also cannot be refuted, since such diseases often occur in certain families and in individuals who have abnormalities in the structure of chromosomes.

Risk factors:

radiation, irradiation;

chemical poisoning (industrial, medicinal);

biological (viruses, bacteria, microorganisms);



Myeloma symptoms:

In a disease such as multiple myeloma, the symptoms can be combined into several syndromes.

Bone marrow syndrome, in which tumor cells multiply in the bone marrow and cause bone destruction.

Protein pathology syndrome, in which the cells of the M-components are isolated. In this case, problems with urination are observed.

Paraamyloidosis is the deposition of a protein that is produced by a tumor in different organs, which significantly disrupts their work. There may be a strong heartbeat, problems in the work of the heart, decreased mobility of the joints, pain will appear.

Syndrome of insufficiency of antibodies - has a direct connection with the problems of hematopoiesis by tumor branches. Symptoms can be: colds, urinary tract infections.

Syndrome of lesions of internal organs. The reason is the growth of tumors in different organs. Symptoms are pain and a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium and the area behind the sternum.

A syndrome of increased blood viscosity, which is associated with an increase in protein in it. Manifested by bleeding from the nose and gums, visual impairment and even paraproteinemic coma.

Hypercalcemia, which is associated with the destruction of bones during the growth of tumors:

Vomiting, nausea, poor appetite, drowsiness.

The most common symptoms of active myeloma are:

Loss of strength and feeling of weakness;

easy bruising and bleeding;

Frequent infections and fever;

Bone damage and bone pain;

Kidney problems.


If there is a suspicion that the patient has multiple myeloma, diagnosis includes the following methods:

History taking and physical examination;

KLA with leukocyte formula and platelet count;

Biochemical blood test: BUN (blood urea nitrogen), creatinine, creatinine clearance, electrolytes, calcium, albumin, uric acid, LDH (lactate dehydrogenase);

Beta-2 microglobulin;

Free light chains (FLC) in blood serum (quantification);

Serum immunoglobulins (quantification);

Serum protein electrophoresis;

Immunofixation of blood serum proteins;

Total protein (in daily urine);

Electrophoresis of urine proteins;

Immunofixation of urine proteins;

X-ray of bones or low-dose CT of the whole body;

Trepanobiopsy and bone marrow puncture;

Immunohistochemical study and (or) bone marrow flow cytometry;

Cytogenetic study of the bone marrow;

Study of plasma cells by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH);

Biopsy for suspected solitary plasmacytoma;

Level of proliferation of plasma cells;

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the whole body or skeleton;

PET / CT (positron emission tomography / computed tomography);


light chain amyloidosis.

Doctor's recommendations:

Preventive measures have not yet been developed, since there are no risk factors that can be influenced. There is also no way to identify the disease before symptoms appear.

The main prevention of the disease is to give up bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol abuse. You should also avoid contact with cancer-causing chemicals whenever possible.

If you have any suspicions or want to be examined and find out about your health, you can contact our clinic by calling the Call Center 8(7172)702-911.