Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Today, in our Center, according to the already accepted tradition, the seeing-off of the donor was organized in a solemn atmosphere.

The team of doctors of the NNOC, headed by the Chairman of the Board Kulkaeva Gulnara Utepergenovna, congratulated the Donor and expressed their gratitude for the determination shown in donating, saving lives and contributing to the development of donation in Kazakhstan.
The donor for the 26-year-old patient, Amanzholova Aselkhan, who suffers from liver failure, was her 44-year-old aunt Bayzhanova Gulnazira.

“A related transplant is much more difficult than a cadaveric operation. In fact, two operations were performed: in one, a right hemihepatectomy was performed, in the other, a liver affected by cirrhosis was removed, and a related liver was transplanted. Everything was timed - the right lobe of the liver was quickly transferred from the donor to the recipient in order to reduce heat ischemia, ”says director Zhanat Seytbattalovich.

The operation involved a large team of doctors. If we take into account all those who contributed from the moment of admission, including laboratory diagnostics, to the operation itself, this is more than 50 people.
The condition of the donor and recipient is satisfactory. Gulnazir (the donor) has already been discharged, but as for the recipient, the doctors give cautious predictions about her future condition - the girl, exhausted by the disease, must be put on her feet. She will have a long rehabilitation.