Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

On December 15, on the eve of Independence Day, the National Scientific Cancer Center hosted a solemn presentation of state awards and letters of gratitude to doctors and employees of the Center, who distinguished themselves with particular successes in the development of the oncological service and the health care system as a whole.

During the event, the Chairman of the Board of the NSC Burkitbayev Zhandos Konysovich congratulated on the significant date and thanked the staff of the Center for their successful work.

Breastplate "Enbek ardagerі" was awarded to:

  1. Nurse of the Center for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care - Mataibaeva Nurlygul Abylkakovna.

Breastplate "Densaulyk saktau isinin uzdigi" were awarded to:

  1. Doctor-transfusiologist - Kaldybaeva Shynar Toleugadyrovna;
  2. Senior nurse of the admission department - Sultasheva Gulnara Bakhytzhanovna;
  3. Clinical pharmacologist - Mahira Seyduallievna Khudaybergenova.
  4. Senior laboratory assistant - Kumekova Gulnara Maratovna.

Breastplate "Densaulyk saktau isine koskan alesi ushin" was awarded to:

  1. Physician-laboratory assistant of the Pathomorphology Center - Kozhakhmetova Asiya Shekenovna;
  2. Doctor - reanimatologist - Toropeev Alexander Vladimirovich;
  3. Physician-rehabilitator of the rehabilitation center - Omarova Lena Tulegenovna;
  4. Senior nurse of the Center for Expert Endoscopy and Interventional Radiology - Kaliakparova Ainagul Kaidarovna.
  5. Ultrasound doctor - Tusupbekova Gulmira Yenshibaevna.

A certificate of honor on behalf of the Minister of Health, Alexei Vladimirovich Tsoi was presented to:

  1. To the surgeon of multidisciplinary surgery - Kalibekov Nurtas Aidargalievich.
  2. To the resuscitator of the Department of CVI - Avakyan Evgeny Sergeevich,
  3. Nurse of the Department of Oncohematology No. 1 - Asanbaeva Amankul Kayyrbekovna.
  4. To the nurse of the operating unit - Nosenko Larisa Alekseevna
  5. Deputy Chief Accountant Asel Alpamysovna Makasheva.

A letter of gratitude on behalf of the Minister of Health Tsoi Alexei Vladimirovich noted:

  1. Doctor - endoscopist - Ualikhanov Aset Talgatovich;
  2. Doctor - surgeon - Dulat Serikbayuly;
  3. Nurse of the operating unit - Asemgul Lukmanovna Berkembaeva;
  4. Nurse of the Center for Chemotherapy and Centralized Chemotherapy - Dzharmakova Aliya Kairbekovna;
  5. Nurse - Uspanova Sandugash Abdibekovna;

A letter of gratitude on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of the National Scientific Oncological Center Zhandos Konysovich Burkitbaev noted:

1) Gatroenterologist, hepatologist - Zhanasbai Marzhan Siyazbekovna;

2) Doctor-urologist - Mugalbekov Shalkarbek Bakirovich;

3) Nurse of the Department of Oncohematology No. 1 - Bekbergenova Bagdagul Alymtaevna;

4) Physician-therapist of the multidisciplinary paid department - Darkeeva Asem Kenzhebaevna;

5) Senior epidemiologist of the department of quality management and patient safety - Sarsenova Aitzhamal Safiullovna;

6) Leading specialist of the department of quality management and patient safety - Nurakhanova Elmira Muratovna;

7) Leading specialist of the department of medical statistics - Knatova Amangul Nurmakhanbetovna;

8) Specialist of the Department of Medical Statistics - Nurmanova Akbala Tulepbergenovna;

9) Head of the department of operation of non-medical equipment, buildings and transport - Kalzhanov Maral Amanbekovich.

10) Economist of the Department of Economics and Finance - Urazalina Zhanna Bagdatovna.