Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

On February 4, 2020, at the National Rsearch Oncology Center in Nur-Sultan, under the slogan “I am, and I will be!” passed the open doors day, dedicated to the world day of struggle with oncological diseases.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the International Cancer Union on February 4 as the date of World Cancer Day.
The main goal of the event is to draw public attention to the early diagnosis of cancer, to talk about methods of prevention and about the latest achievements of medicine in the treatment of various forms of cancer.
During the campaign, visitors to the Center were able to get free consultations from doctors - an oncology-mammologist, oncological surgeon, oncogynecologist and undergo diagnostics - ultrasound, x-rays, endoscopic examinations.
According to world data, about 1% of the population of developed countries are diagnosed with malignant neoplasms. In Kazakhstan, this indicator is 0.92% of the population with a growing trend in cancer. About 60% of cases are people of working age from 18 to 63 years. In the structure of oncological diseases, the first place is occupied by breast cancer (12.6%), the second - lung cancer (9.9%), the third - cancer of the stomach (7.4%), cervical cancer and colon cancer in fourth place ( 4.7%).
Reducing mortality from cancer is one of the state priorities. In the Message to the People of Kazakhstan “New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, First President N. Nazarbayev paid special attention to disease prevention, noting the need to introduce highly effective early diagnosis and treatment of cancer based on international best practices.
It must be remembered that only early diagnosis significantly increases the chances of fighting cancer, so it is so important to undergo regular examinations to timely detect malignant pathologies.
The event was supported by: Nur-Otan, NCPZ.
Event organizer: National Scientific Oncology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The partners of the action were: National Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.