Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Today in our clinic there is a pleasant occasion for joy. Doctors and the management of the National Scientific and Educational Center, according to the already established good tradition, in a solemn atmosphere conducted a donor who donated a kidney to save his brother.і.

Borankulov Salauat, 36, has become a kidney donor for a NNOC patient who has been suffering from end-stage renal disease for more than 10 years.
“Patients suffering from end-stage renal disease are forced to undergo renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis), which significantly reduces the quality and duration of life. This problem can be solved only by a kidney transplant from a living or posthumous donor to a patient, ”said transplant doctor Mels Asykbaev.
And now such a chance appeared. Thanks to Salauat, who agreed to become a donor, the doctors performed a related transplant and transplanted the left kidney to his brother.
“The condition of the donor and recipient is satisfactory. Salauat is being discharged today, and his brother will have to undergo rehabilitation, the doctor added.
A team of doctors led by the Chairman of the Board of the National Scientific and Research Center, Kulkaeva Gulnara Utepergenovna, congratulated the donor and expressed gratitude for saving life and contribution to the development of donation in Kazakhstan.