Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

On March 9, an open day was held at the National Scientific Cancer Center, organized by the clinic for women wishing to undergo a free examination with the aim of early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system.


The event was held within the framework of the International Day "March 8". Taking into account the pandemic, the action was carried out in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and by appointment. Thus, on this day, about 80 women aged 18 to 63 years were able to receive free consultation and examination by gynecologists-oncologists and mammologists of the Center.

Such events are carried out to draw public attention to the problem of oncological diseases, increase cancer alertness and awareness of the population about the prevention and early detection of oncological diseases, about the importance of participation in screening programs.

Unfortunately, today the statistics of oncopathologies among the female population is disappointing. Thus, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women both in the world and in Kazakhstan. In the structure of oncopathologies, this disease ranks first in terms of prevalence, annually claiming the lives of more than 1000 Kazakhstani women.

Cervical cancer among the female population in our country ranks second in the prevalence rank and takes the lives of about 600 women annually. However, this type of oncology is the only one that can be prevented if it is regularly examined by a gynecologist.

The state is taking effective measures to make early diagnosis and modern treatment available to all women in our country. For this, screening programs are being carried out in our country, two of which are aimed at detecting "female" cancer - breast and cervical cancer.

In addition, since last year, the norms enshrined in the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Health and the Healthcare System", as well as in the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, came into force, according to which every working citizen has the right to social leave in the amount of at least 3 days to complete screening.

Oncologists never tire of repeating that when cancer is detected in the early stages, it is possible to achieve high treatment results in almost 95% of cases.

Therefore, for the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer, experts recommend that women under 40 undergo an annual ultrasound of the mammary glands. Women over 40 years of age need to undergo mammography once every 2 years.

For the prevention of cervical cancer, women need to undergo a study of smears from the cervix for the presence of tumor cells from 18 years of age and older (smear for oncocytology) - the study is carried out once a year in the examination room of the polyclinic at the place of residence, and as a rule, an annual compulsory visit to to the gynecologist.