Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Today, in the corporate fund "University Medical Center" a meeting of the party activists of the branch "Orkeniet" of the capital branch of the party "AMANAT" was held.

During the meeting, the decisions of the Extraordinary XXII Party Congress and the fulfillment of the tasks defined by the head of state K.K. Tokayev in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated March 16, 2022 "New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization".
Member of the Political Council of the party "AMANAT", Chairman of the Board of the corporate fund "University Medical Center" Pya Yury Vladimirovich announced the initiatives of the Head of State and raised a number of issues of the medical community.

Head of the program of clinical immunology, allergology and pulmonology, member of the Republican Public Council for the Health of the Nation Kovzel Elena Fedorovna and party activist Ibraimov Baktygali Abdygalievich made a presentation. They outlined the main initiatives of a new stage in the development of the country and discussed the goals and objectives set for the party during the period of its modernization.
A member of the AMANAT party, Chairman of the Board of the National Research Oncology Center Gulnara Utepergenovna Kulkaeva, in her speech, touched upon topical issues of housing for the medical community, modernizing the healthcare system and improving the provision of medical care to cancer patients.

Party activists called on everyone to support the implementation of the new program of political reforms outlined in the Address of the Head of State "New Kazakhstan: The Path of Renewal and Modernization" and to work for the future of the country.