Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

Head of the expert endoscopy center, endoscopist of the highest qualification category, candidate of medical sciences.

Head of the Department of Oncohematology No. 1 with a day hospital, department of KVI-1. Hematologist of the first qualification category.

Head of the Department of Oncohematology No. 2, hematologist of the second qualification category. 7 years of experience.


Chief Consultant in Oncosurgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor  


Мэлс Нjpeg

Transplant surgeon, urologist, oncologist.

Бектыбаева Насихат Мударесовна

Doctor of the first qualification category in CT and MRI of the radiological diagnostics department of the Center.

Асан Айтмукашевич

Surgeon of the highest qualification category, Candidate of medical Sciences.

Имангелдина Макпал Сабитовна

Doctor of the first qualification category of the Center for Radiological Diagnostics and CT.

Кемайкин Вадим Матвеевич

Head of the Center of Oncohematology;

2. Зав. Многопрофильного платного отделения Колдыбаева Сауле Сафаровна

Head of the department, obstetrician-gynecologist.


Head of the Department of Oncohematological Resuscitation

Мукажанов Адильбек Кайрбекович

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Medical Activities

Оразбаева Дамеш Рафагатовна

Ultrasound doctor of the highest qualification category

Сагандыков Ирлан Нигметжанович

Head of the Department of Vascular Surgery

Врач анестезиолог – реаниматолог

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