Surgeon oncologist, thoracic surgeon, mammologist, plastic surgeon.
Doctor oncologist, colorectal surgeon of the highest qualification category.
Head of the Center for Oncohepatology and Gastroenterology.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, hepatologist, gastroenterologist.
Doctor-surgeon of the first qualification category, thoracic surgeon, oncologist.
Head of the Oncohepatology and Gastroenterology Department.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, hepatologist, gastroenterologist.
Doctor hepatologist, gastroenterologist of the center of oncohepatology and gastroenterology
Hepatologist, gastroenterologist of the Center for Oncohepatology and Gastroenterology
Vascular surgeon of the center of vascular surgery, doctor of the second qualification category.
Oncologist-gynecologist of the highest qualification category, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and an independent expert of “the Republican Center for Innovative Technologies in Medical Education and Science” LLP - Aida Fazylovna has devoted 18 years to her profession.