In August, the National Research Oncology Center held online meetings with the following medical centers
Oncosurgeons of the NROC performed a high-tech operation to remove a 12 kg tumor. 300 g in the abdomen.
Video of the President's Library dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.
View the video here:
Today, the effectiveness in the detection and treatment of oncological diseases depends not only on the development of therapy methods
Profiled courses, master classes and seminars are held annually on the basis of the center.
Over the years of Independence, Kazakhstan has become a prosperous, developing country known in the international arena. 2021 is declared by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the Year of the 30th Anniversary of Independence.
The majority of cancer patients receive psychological assistance in parallel with treatment in order to maintain a positive attitude and speed up the recovery process.
During a pandemic, the lungs, the organ through which a person breathes, are primarily under attack from a coronavirus infection.
Oncology is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, at all times, the luminaries of medicine have been conducting scientific research to improve the oncological service and search for effective methods of treating cancer.
To raise awareness of viral hepatitis, an inflammatory liver disease that causes severe liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. This year it is held under the slogan "The fight against hepatitis cannot be postponed."