Oncosurgeons of the NROC performed a high-tech operation to remove a 12 kg tumor. 300 g in the abdomen.
A 49-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of persistent aching pain in the abdomen and pelvis. During the examinations, the doctors discovered a formation of 32x24 cm in the man. The tumor process affected the vital organs, surrounding the vessels and squeezing the intestines.
A multidisciplinary council of specialists decided to perform a surgical removal of the affected area in order to restore the functions of the preserved internal organs.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a group of rare oncological pathologies that originate from mesenchymal tissues. It accounts for approximately 1-3% of all malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract from all tumors. It is quite common, but in this case, given its size and weight, medical specialists put it in the category of exceptional.
“Tumors of the retroperitoneal space are very difficult to detect, they grow very imperceptibly. Often, patients seek help only when it reaches a large size and disrupts the work of internal organs. That is why the role of early diagnosis is so important, it is necessary to undergo examinations, screening and medical examination in a timely manner, ”said the surgeon of the NROC Baiduysen Usipbekov.
The surgery to remove the tumor was performed successfully by the team of surgeons. Together with her, the left lobe of the liver had to be resected, since the tumor had grown into this organ.
“The operation took about 3 hours, currently the patient's condition is satisfactory. The CT scan showed no metastases. The patient will have to be monitored and treated by an oncologist, a polyclinic surgeon, at the place of residence”- commented Baiduysen Usipbekov.
It should be noted that each such high-tech and organ-preserving operation is unique and feasible with trained specialists at the NROC.