A 57-year-old patient was admitted to the Department of Multidisciplinary Surgery of the National recearch oncology center for Emergency Medicine (National Coordination Center for Emergency Medicine) with profuse bleeding from a tumor in the breast area.
Oncologists at the National recearch oncology center performed an emergency operation. “The patient was admitted in serious condition, with intoxication of the body and bleeding from the tumor of the left breast in decay. Due to bleeding, hemoglobin dropped to 70 g / l. The operation was complicated, a total mastectomy was performed. The gland with tumor was removed in the volume of 1200 ml of tumor. According to the patient, she discovered the tumor 2 years ago. I didn’t go to the doctors, I turned only when bleeding from the tumor started, ”said Dinara Samenova, a surgeon and mammologist at the National recearch oncology center. Now the patient feels satisfactory and is undergoing treatment according to the treatment plan established by the multidisciplinary commission of the NSC. Last year, breast cancer claimed the lives of 200 women due to their own carelessness. Meanwhile, more than 4 thousand women in the country are diagnosed with a tumor in their breasts every year. Note that organ-preserving, reconstructive reconstructive surgeries after breast cancer treatment are carried out at the NSC absolutely free of charge within the framework of the Guaranteed volume of medical care and compulsory social health insurance. The main thing is to contact the medical specialists of the polyclinic at the place of attachment in time. Get a timely screening examination for breast cancer. In Kazakhstan, screening examinations for the population are carried out free of charge. According to article 87 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 No. 360-VI "On people's health and the health care system" (with amendments and additions as of June 24, 2020), the right of workers to social leave for undergoing screening is enshrined, which is assigned three working days with the preservation of wages and jobs.