Today, on March 1, at the National Scientific Oncological Center, following the weekly tradition, the surgeon-oncologist, urologist Talgat Amanzholovich Kurmanov presented to the attention of his colleagues a report on the clinical effectiveness of the treatment of kidney, bladder and prostate cancer for the period from 2016 to 2020.
For each type of localization, statistical data were presented in the context of the years of the reporting period with information on the morbidity structure, surgical operations, based both on international data and on the basis of treatment based on the NNOC.
The presented analysis showed the dynamics of an increase in endoscopic operations in comparison with open access operations. Commenting on the rather high survival rates of patients who received treatment at the NNOC, the speaker emphasized that such positive statistics are partly explained by the treatment of patients at an early stage of the disease, as well as due to the successful implementation of minimally invasive, low-traumatic treatment methods.
It should be noted that thanks to the development of oncourology and the dynamically applied VTMU in this direction, our center occupies one of the leading places among similar multidisciplinary oncological clinics on a national scale. Among the achievements, the introduction of new technologies, such as:
- Laparoscopic intestinal plastic of the ureter with extended strictures of the ureter;
- Laparoscopic cystectomy with Neobladder shaping.
This is facilitated to a large extent by the approach of using the results of multicenter clinical trials in treatment, which has been successfully applied for many years, as well as the successfully practiced school of mentoring with the participation of reputable world-renowned surgeons.
The audience in a positive way noted the tendencies to improve the surgical tactics of treatment by increasing the volume of low-traumatic, minimally invasive operations and the achieved indicators of patient survival.