Astana, Kerey, Zhanibek Khandar str., house 3
Версия для слабовидящих

I, Vera Vasilyevna Gorkoltseva, 76 years old, Akkol. During routine fluorography on April 13, 2021, I was found to have an education in the lung.

During the examination at the National Scientific Cancer Center of Nursultan, the diagnosis was clarified, the tactics of treatment by the doctor Kalibekov Nurtas Aidargalievich was explained in detail. Surgical treatment was carried out according to the planned procedure on the portal. And now, I'm already home. The whole process took less than two months. I can't find the words in Russian to express my gratitude to the district nurse, who urgently asked to pass the FOG, special thanks to the operating team:surgeon Kalibekov Nurtas Aidargalievich, anesthesiologist Kulzhamanov Rustam Meiramovich, resident Zhaksybaev Bakhyt Arlanovich, operating nurse Eben Nazym Berikkyzy; intensive care unit. My arrival at the clinic took only ten days, and a large number of other services took part in my treatment: diagnostic, food service and others that I do not suspect. Many thanks to the staff of the thoracic department.